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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
35813411716268238 ~1990
35814263716285278 ~1990
35815859716317198 ~1990
358168972149013839 ~1991
358173612149041679 ~1991
35817599716351998 ~1990
35817863716357278 ~1990
35818019716360398 ~1990
35818823716376478 ~1990
35818859716377198 ~1990
358188772149132639 ~1991
35819411716388238 ~1990
35819507171933633710 ~1993
35819879716397598 ~1990
35819999716399998 ~1990
35820563716411278 ~1990
358209313582093119 ~1992
35821871716437438 ~1990
35822159716443198 ~1990
358223932149343599 ~1991
35823251716465038 ~1990
358240916448336399 ~1992
358255998598143779 ~1993
35825903716518078 ~1990
35826083716521678 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
358273273582732719 ~1992
35828003716560078 ~1990
35828531716570638 ~1990
35829179888563639310 ~1995
358299017882578239 ~1993
35830391716607838 ~1990
35831483716629678 ~1990
35831879716637598 ~1990
35832143716642878 ~1990
358325715733211379 ~1992
358327372149964239 ~1991
35833043716660878 ~1990
35833079716661598 ~1990
35833571716671438 ~1990
35834423716688478 ~1990
35834783716695678 ~1990
35836523716730478 ~1990
358368172150209039 ~1991
35837579716751598 ~1990
358379812150278879 ~1991
35838851716777038 ~1990
35839319716786398 ~1990
35839691716793838 ~1990
35839763716795278 ~1990
358400412150402479 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
35843831716876638 ~1990
35843891716877838 ~1990
35846039716920798 ~1990
35846159716923198 ~1990
35846399716927998 ~1990
358466532150799199 ~1991
358468276452428879 ~1992
35847289659590117710 ~1995
358481332150887999 ~1991
35849123716982478 ~1990
358493992867951939 ~1991
35853011717060238 ~1990
35853539717070798 ~1990
358543812151262879 ~1991
35854499717089998 ~1990
35855051717101038 ~1990
35855591717111838 ~1990
358571092868568739 ~1991
35857319717146398 ~1990
358585698606056579 ~1993
358590772868726179 ~1991
35860931717218638 ~1990
35861723717234478 ~1990
35862143717242878 ~1990
358621732151730399 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
35862539717250798 ~1990
35862611717252238 ~1990
35862839717256798 ~1990
35863823717276478 ~1990
358640113586401119 ~1992
358642012151852079 ~1991
358642731205039572911 ~1995
35864519717290398 ~1990
35865023717300478 ~1990
35865443717308878 ~1990
358654972151929839 ~1991
358661332151967999 ~1991
35866403717328078 ~1990
35866703717334078 ~1990
35867159717343198 ~1990
35867233451927135910 ~1994
35867831717356638 ~1990
35869349136303526310 ~1993
358702732152216399 ~1991
35871131717422638 ~1990
35871383717427678 ~1990
358722295022112079 ~1992
35872979717459598 ~1990
35874563717491278 ~1990
35874623717492478 ~1990
4.368.158 digits