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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
34027811680556238 ~1990
34029179680583598 ~1990
340292992722343939 ~1991
34030739680614798 ~1990
340313572041881439 ~1991
34031843680636878 ~1990
34032671680653438 ~1990
340340473403404719 ~1991
340342072722736579 ~1991
34034531680690638 ~1990
340345972042075839 ~1991
34034939680698798 ~1990
34035143680702878 ~1990
34035971680719438 ~1990
340366612722932899 ~1991
34037219680744398 ~1990
340379812042278879 ~1991
34038419680768398 ~1990
34039451680789038 ~1990
34040711680814238 ~1990
340409772042458639 ~1991
34041071680821438 ~1990
34041431680828638 ~1990
34041719680834398 ~1990
340423012042538079 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
34043699680873998 ~1990
340444192723553539 ~1991
34045031680900638 ~1990
34045631680912638 ~1990
34045859680917198 ~1990
340461438171074339 ~1992
340475812723806499 ~1991
34047683680953678 ~1990
34048691680973838 ~1990
34050011681000238 ~1990
340501993405019919 ~1991
34050839681016798 ~1990
340513792724110339 ~1991
340521433405214319 ~1991
34053479681069598 ~1990
340545078173081699 ~1992
34054679681093598 ~1990
340549012043294079 ~1991
340555012043330079 ~1991
34055579681111598 ~1990
34055603681112078 ~1990
34056443681128878 ~1990
340576438173834339 ~1992
34057811681156238 ~1990
34059023681180478 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
340590732043544399 ~1991
340598775449580339 ~1992
34060031333788303910 ~1994
34060931681218638 ~1990
34061099681221998 ~1990
34061711681234238 ~1990
34062251681245038 ~1990
34062683681253678 ~1990
34063091681261838 ~1990
34064819681296398 ~1990
34065359681307198 ~1990
34065539681310798 ~1990
340658812043952879 ~1991
34066523681330478 ~1990
340672378176136899 ~1992
340679212044075279 ~1991
34068791681375838 ~1990
34069103681382078 ~1990
34069643681392878 ~1990
34069943681398878 ~1990
340699578176789699 ~1992
34069991681399838 ~1990
34070243681404878 ~1990
34071899681437998 ~1990
34073183681463678 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
34074263681485278 ~1990
340743172725945379 ~1991
340752675452042739 ~1992
34075763681515278 ~1990
340772212044633279 ~1991
340773118860100879 ~1993
34077671681553438 ~1990
34078139681562798 ~1990
340787772044726639 ~1991
34080719681614398 ~1990
340809532044857199 ~1991
34081559681631198 ~1990
340816678179600099 ~1992
34082039681640798 ~1990
34084691681693838 ~1990
34085039681700798 ~1990
340850713408507119 ~1991
34085099681701998 ~1990
34085279681705598 ~1990
34085351681707038 ~1990
34086443681728878 ~1990
34087103681742078 ~1990
34087199681743998 ~1990
340879812045278879 ~1991
34088039681760798 ~1990
4.368.158 digits