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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
30837659616753198 ~1989
30838079616761598 ~1989
30838091616761838 ~1989
308381411850288479 ~1991
308386731850320399 ~1991
30838823616776478 ~1989
30838859616777198 ~1989
308415619252468319 ~1992
30841763616835278 ~1989
30841991616839838 ~1989
30842243616844878 ~1989
308434971850609839 ~1991
30843779616875598 ~1989
308441931850651599 ~1991
30844283616885678 ~1989
30845011203577072710 ~1993
308452611850715679 ~1991
30845891616917838 ~1989
30845999616919998 ~1989
30846191616923838 ~1989
30846251616925038 ~1989
30846383172739744910 ~1993
30848159616963198 ~1989
308483395552701039 ~1992
308484292467874339 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
308509877404236899 ~1992
30851531617030638 ~1989
308519211851115279 ~1991
308534577404829699 ~1992
30853799617075998 ~1989
30853871617077438 ~1989
308546875553843679 ~1992
308559313085593119 ~1991
30856979617139598 ~1989
308576411851458479 ~1991
308580412468643299 ~1991
30858143617162878 ~1989
30858911617178238 ~1989
30859943617198878 ~1989
308600412610759468711 ~1996
308610134937762099 ~1992
308613294320586079 ~1992
30861431617228638 ~1989
308623731851742399 ~1991
30862703617254078 ~1989
30864803617296078 ~1989
308652673086526719 ~1991
30865403617308078 ~1989
308668633086686319 ~1991
30867899617357998 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
30868391617367838 ~1989
30868811617376238 ~1989
308688971852133839 ~1991
30869411617388238 ~1989
30869791123479164110 ~1993
308699811852198879 ~1991
30870503617410078 ~1989
30871499617429998 ~1989
308717692469741539 ~1991
30871937166708459910 ~1993
308723339879146579 ~1992
308729811852378879 ~1991
308733011852398079 ~1991
308733171852399039 ~1991
30874381142022152710 ~1993
30877811617556238 ~1989
30879103475538186310 ~1994
308791515558247199 ~1992
30879419617588398 ~1989
308794497411067779 ~1992
30879763203806435910 ~1993
30882359617647198 ~1989
30883439617668798 ~1989
30883799617675998 ~1989
30884039617680798 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
30884303617686078 ~1989
30885671617713438 ~1989
30886201271798568910 ~1993
30886991617739838 ~1989
30887123617742478 ~1989
30887579617751598 ~1989
308883174324364399 ~1992
30888323617766478 ~1989
30888659617773198 ~1989
30889151617783038 ~1989
30889499617789998 ~1989
30890063617801278 ~1989
30890459617809198 ~1989
308905571853433439 ~1991
30890603617812078 ~1989
308906812471254499 ~1991
308908033089080319 ~1991
30890831617816638 ~1989
30891611617832238 ~1989
30892079617841598 ~1989
30892643617852878 ~1989
30893783617875678 ~1989
30894179617883598 ~1989
308944192471553539 ~1991
30894719617894398 ~1989
4.368.158 digits