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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
29939219598784398 ~1989
299405771796434639 ~1991
299408094191713279 ~1991
29941211598824238 ~1989
29941259598825198 ~1989
29941451598829038 ~1989
29942051598841038 ~1989
299425672395405379 ~1991
29943191598863838 ~1989
299438897186533379 ~1992
29944751598895038 ~1989
299452971796717839 ~1991
29946599598931998 ~1989
29946743598934878 ~1989
299471092395768739 ~1991
29947139598942798 ~1989
29947223598944478 ~1989
29947331598946638 ~1989
299477872395822979 ~1991
29948879598977598 ~1989
299492531796955199 ~1991
299498272395986179 ~1991
29950103599002078 ~1989
29950331599006638 ~1989
299506372396050979 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
29951063599021278 ~1989
299511472396091779 ~1991
29951219599024398 ~1989
29952803599056078 ~1989
299543331797259999 ~1991
29955251599105038 ~1989
299555571797333439 ~1991
299558392396467139 ~1991
29955899599117998 ~1989
29955911599118238 ~1989
29955983599119678 ~1989
299568411797410479 ~1991
29956931599138638 ~1989
29957591599151838 ~1989
29957639599152798 ~1989
299581612396652899 ~1991
29959739599194798 ~1989
299600872396806979 ~1991
29960543599210878 ~1989
29961023599220478 ~1989
29961251599225038 ~1989
29961443599228878 ~1989
29961671599233438 ~1989
29961731599234638 ~1989
29962139599242798 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
29962343599246878 ~1989
29962403599248078 ~1989
299626131797756799 ~1991
29962643599252878 ~1989
29963183599263678 ~1989
299636232996362319 ~1991
29963663599273278 ~1989
29963903599278078 ~1989
29964839599296798 ~1989
29964923599298478 ~1989
29964971599299438 ~1989
299666092397328739 ~1991
29966759599335198 ~1989
299667795394020239 ~1992
29966939599338798 ~1989
299670131798020799 ~1991
29968439599368798 ~1989
29968859599377198 ~1989
299690392397523139 ~1991
299690411798142479 ~1991
29969399599387998 ~1989
29970491599409838 ~1989
29970911599418238 ~1989
299717171798303039 ~1991
29971919599438398 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
299720992397767939 ~1991
299727412397819299 ~1991
299733192997331919 ~1991
29973323599466478 ~1989
29973743599474878 ~1989
29974331599486638 ~1989
29974583599491678 ~1989
29974883599497678 ~1989
29975219599504398 ~1989
299756112997561119 ~1991
29977019599540398 ~1989
29977331599546638 ~1989
29977463599549278 ~1989
29977679599553598 ~1989
29979563599591278 ~1989
299803731798822399 ~1991
299809195396565439 ~1992
299813234797011699 ~1992
29981663599633278 ~1989
299828571798971439 ~1991
29982971599659438 ~1989
299843692398749539 ~1991
29985023599700478 ~1989
29985563599711278 ~1989
299858812398870499 ~1991
4.368.158 digits