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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
27599051551981038 ~1989
27599543551990878 ~1989
27599651551993038 ~1989
275999811655998879 ~1990
27600071552001438 ~1989
27600119552002398 ~1989
27600143552002878 ~1989
27600203552004078 ~1989
27600959552019198 ~1989
27601103552022078 ~1989
27602051552041038 ~1989
27602303552046078 ~1989
27602423552048478 ~1989
276025373864355199 ~1991
276026571656159439 ~1990
27602831552056638 ~1989
27603419552068398 ~1989
27603731552074638 ~1989
27603791552075838 ~1989
27604751552095038 ~1989
27604831292611208710 ~1993
276049811656298879 ~1990
27605117104899444710 ~1992
27606119552122398 ~1989
27606599552131998 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
27606863552137278 ~1989
27607631552152638 ~1989
27607691552153838 ~1989
27608099552161998 ~1989
27608963552179278 ~1989
27609143552182878 ~1989
27609383552187678 ~1989
27609443552188878 ~1989
27610811552216238 ~1989
27610931552218638 ~1989
276110693865549679 ~1991
27612023552240478 ~1989
27612239552244798 ~1989
27612551552251038 ~1989
27612731552254638 ~1989
27612779552255598 ~1989
27613511552270238 ~1989
27614123552282478 ~1989
27614711552294238 ~1989
27615251552305038 ~1989
276152571656915439 ~1990
27615299552305998 ~1989
276153173866144399 ~1991
276153971656923839 ~1990
27615443552308878 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
27615779552315598 ~1989
27615839552316798 ~1989
27616331552326638 ~1989
27616811552336238 ~1989
27617099552341998 ~1989
27617819552356398 ~1989
276178672209429379 ~1991
276179832761798319 ~1991
27618011552360238 ~1989
27618023552360478 ~1989
27618263552365278 ~1989
27619043552380878 ~1989
27619451552389038 ~1989
27620363552407278 ~1989
276216731657300399 ~1990
276217312209738499 ~1991
276220611657323679 ~1990
27622223552444478 ~1989
27622631552452638 ~1989
27623111552462238 ~1989
27623231552464638 ~1989
27623591552471838 ~1989
27623831552476638 ~1989
27624011552480238 ~1989
27624539552490798 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
27625043552500878 ~1989
27625079552501598 ~1989
27625271552505438 ~1989
27625547132602625710 ~1992
27625583552511678 ~1989
27626051552521038 ~1989
27626639552532798 ~1989
27627599552551998 ~1989
27628511552570238 ~1989
27628883552577678 ~1989
27629111552582238 ~1989
276293338841386579 ~1992
27629891552597838 ~1989
27629963552599278 ~1989
27630203552604078 ~1989
27631031552620638 ~1989
276311832763118319 ~1991
27631223552624478 ~1989
276312592210500739 ~1991
276313371657880239 ~1990
27631559552631198 ~1989
276315611657893679 ~1990
27631619552632398 ~1989
27631739552634798 ~1989
27631931552638638 ~1989
4.368.158 digits