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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
23283731465674638 ~1988
23284403465688078 ~1988
23284511465690238 ~1988
232846731397080399 ~1990
232847691862781539 ~1990
232857411397144479 ~1990
232857893260010479 ~1991
23285939465718798 ~1988
23286359465727198 ~1988
232864213725827379 ~1991
23286443465728878 ~1988
23286551465731038 ~1988
23287151465743038 ~1988
232871571397229439 ~1990
23287499465749998 ~1988
23287571465751438 ~1988
23287619465752398 ~1988
232887171397323039 ~1990
23288819465776398 ~1988
23289023465780478 ~1988
23289683465793678 ~1988
23290259465805198 ~1988
23291363465827278 ~1988
23292383465847678 ~1988
23292623465852478 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
23293139465862798 ~1988
23293499465869998 ~1988
232940773727052339 ~1991
23294339465886798 ~1988
232943931397663599 ~1990
23294483465889678 ~1988
23294723465894478 ~1988
23294891465897838 ~1988
23295071465901438 ~1988
23295179465903598 ~1988
23297231465944638 ~1988
23297243465944878 ~1988
232972971397837839 ~1990
23297783465955678 ~1988
23297951465959038 ~1988
232985935591662339 ~1991
23298791465975838 ~1988
23299343465986878 ~1988
232994871863958979 ~1990
233000411398002479 ~1990
23300831466016638 ~1988
23300951466019038 ~1988
23301539466030798 ~1988
23301623466032478 ~1988
233016711864133699 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
23301851466037038 ~1988
233019794194356239 ~1991
23302319466046398 ~1988
23302451466049038 ~1988
23302991466059838 ~1988
23303639466072798 ~1988
233037799787587199 ~1992
23303783466075678 ~1988
23305391466107838 ~1988
23305703466114078 ~1988
233064771398388639 ~1990
23307083466141678 ~1988
23307239466144798 ~1988
23308331466166638 ~1988
23308391466167838 ~1988
23308403466168078 ~1988
233089392330893919 ~1990
23309063466181278 ~1988
233093391864747139 ~1990
23310299466205998 ~1988
23310491466209838 ~1988
23310503466210078 ~1988
23310719466214398 ~1988
233108211864865699 ~1990
23310863466217278 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
233109971398659839 ~1990
23311583466231678 ~1988
23311703466234078 ~1988
233117331398703999 ~1990
23312483466249678 ~1988
23313011466260238 ~1988
23313203466264078 ~1988
233132592331325919 ~1990
23313299466265998 ~1988
23313371466267438 ~1988
23313623466272478 ~1988
23314457186515656110 ~1992
233147411398884479 ~1990
23315003466300078 ~1988
233151611398909679 ~1990
233152671865221379 ~1990
233152936994587919 ~1991
23315471466309438 ~1988
23316071466321438 ~1988
233162571398975439 ~1990
23316323466326478 ~1988
23316383466327678 ~1988
23316431466328638 ~1988
23316907111921153710 ~1992
233176275596230499 ~1991
4.368.158 digits