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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22646483452929678 ~1988
22646699452933998 ~1988
22646759452935198 ~1988
22646843452936878 ~1988
22647503452950078 ~1988
22647983452959678 ~1988
22649051452981038 ~1988
22649183452983678 ~1988
226497891811983139 ~1990
22650359453007198 ~1988
226504931359029599 ~1990
22650539453010798 ~1988
22650731453014638 ~1988
22650923453018478 ~1988
22651091453021838 ~1988
22652939453058798 ~1988
22653479453069598 ~1988
226547594077856639 ~1991
22654979453099598 ~1988
22655051453101038 ~1988
22655579453111598 ~1988
22655651453113038 ~1988
22655819453116398 ~1988
22656323453126478 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22656779453135598 ~1988
226571473135749144911 ~1995
226572117250307539 ~1991
22657643453152878 ~1988
22657751453155038 ~1988
22658063453161278 ~1988
22658351453167038 ~1988
22658591453171838 ~1988
22659023453180478 ~1988
22660199453203998 ~1988
226604811812838499 ~1990
22660523453210478 ~1988
22660619453212398 ~1988
22661363453227278 ~1988
22661939453238798 ~1988
22662179453243598 ~1988
22662719453254398 ~1988
22662779453255598 ~1988
22662911453258238 ~1988
226630931359785599 ~1990
22663163453263278 ~1988
22663331453266638 ~1988
226635171813081379 ~1990
22663871453277438 ~1988
226639371359836239 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22664003453280078 ~1988
22664423453288478 ~1988
22664699453293998 ~1988
22664783453295678 ~1988
226648491813187939 ~1990
22665011453300238 ~1988
226656591813252739 ~1990
226661211359967279 ~1990
22666691453333838 ~1988
22666751453335038 ~1988
226672371360034239 ~1990
22667483453349678 ~1988
226676931360061599 ~1990
22667999453359998 ~1988
22668011453360238 ~1988
22668251453365038 ~1988
22668671453373438 ~1988
22669079453381598 ~1988
22669103453382078 ~1988
22669583453391678 ~1988
226695891813567139 ~1990
226697096800912719 ~1991
22669739453394798 ~1988
22670243453404878 ~1988
22670423453408478 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22670759453415198 ~1988
22671023453420478 ~1988
22671083149629147910 ~1992
22671119453422398 ~1988
226714571360287439 ~1990
226714973174009599 ~1990
22671851453437038 ~1988
22672931453458638 ~1988
22673531453470638 ~1988
22674383453487678 ~1988
226745937255869779 ~1991
22674731453494638 ~1988
226748119523420639 ~1992
22674959453499198 ~1988
226750874081515679 ~1991
22675403453508078 ~1988
22675463453509278 ~1988
22675571453511438 ~1988
226756571360539439 ~1990
22675871453517438 ~1988
22676039453520798 ~1988
22676603453532078 ~1988
22676743145131155310 ~1992
22676891453537838 ~1988
4.368.158 digits