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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
21797903435958078 ~1988
21798323435966478 ~1988
217990791743926339 ~1990
217999011307994079 ~1989
218004971308029839 ~1989
21801023436020478 ~1988
218025131308150799 ~1989
21802883436057678 ~1988
21803063436061278 ~1988
21804179436083598 ~1988
21804239436084798 ~1988
21804539436090798 ~1988
21804683436093678 ~1988
21804983436099678 ~1988
21805463436109278 ~1988
21805571436111438 ~1988
218055792180557919 ~1990
218062071744496579 ~1990
21806483436129678 ~1988
21806723436134478 ~1988
218073435233762339 ~1991
21807419436148398 ~1988
21807431436148638 ~1988
218076792180767919 ~1990
21807743436154878 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
218080373053125199 ~1990
218085293053194079 ~1990
218088614797949439 ~1991
21809003436180078 ~1988
218092191744737539 ~1990
218097891744783139 ~1990
218105331308631999 ~1989
21810731436214638 ~1988
21810839436216798 ~1988
21811511436230238 ~1988
21811571436231438 ~1988
218116611744932899 ~1990
21812711436254238 ~1988
21813299436265998 ~1988
21813383436267678 ~1988
21813419436268398 ~1988
21813503436270078 ~1988
21814319436286398 ~1988
21814379436287598 ~1988
21814619436292398 ~1988
21814703436294078 ~1988
218151171308907039 ~1989
218151411308908479 ~1989
21815159436303198 ~1988
21815243436304878 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
21815291436305838 ~1988
21815483436309678 ~1988
21816191436323838 ~1988
218162931308977599 ~1989
21816479436329598 ~1988
21818339436366798 ~1988
21818711436374238 ~1988
21819599436391998 ~1988
21819659436393198 ~1988
21819779436395598 ~1988
218197811309186879 ~1989
21820283436405678 ~1988
218205173054872399 ~1990
218205734800526079 ~1991
21820691436413838 ~1988
21820703436414078 ~1988
21820751436415038 ~1988
21820811436416238 ~1988
21821003436420078 ~1988
218218191745745539 ~1990
21821843436436878 ~1988
21822011436440238 ~1988
21822023436440478 ~1988
218220375237288899 ~1991
21822491436449838 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
21823103109115515110 ~1992
218235672182356719 ~1990
21823981349183696110 ~1993
218241371309448239 ~1989
218242039166165279 ~1992
21824531436490638 ~1988
21824879436497598 ~1988
218249411309496479 ~1989
21825071436501438 ~1988
218254911746039299 ~1990
21825971436519438 ~1988
218259893055638479 ~1990
21826151436523038 ~1988
218262131309572799 ~1989
21826439436528798 ~1988
21826463436529278 ~1988
21826859436537198 ~1988
21826979436539598 ~1988
21827567104772321710 ~1992
21827579436551598 ~1988
21828239436564798 ~1988
21828491436569838 ~1988
21828791436575838 ~1988
218291511746332099 ~1990
4.368.158 digits