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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
18745631374912638 ~1988
18745763374915278 ~1988
18746111374922238 ~1988
187468319373415519 ~1991
187473411499787299 ~1989
18747563374951278 ~1988
18747611374952238 ~1988
18747671374953438 ~1988
18747779374955598 ~1988
18747959374959198 ~1988
187480331124881999 ~1989
18748091374961838 ~1988
18748343374966878 ~1988
18748403374968078 ~1988
187488131124928799 ~1989
18748871374977438 ~1988
18749231374984638 ~1988
18749459374989198 ~1988
18749579374991598 ~1988
18750503375010078 ~1988
187508571125051439 ~1989
18751259375025198 ~1988
18751283375025678 ~1988
187517091500136739 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
187520991500167939 ~1989
18752159375043198 ~1988
187523479001126579 ~1991
18752939375058798 ~1988
18753803375076078 ~1988
18753863375077278 ~1988
18754031375080638 ~1988
18754331375086638 ~1988
187544411125266479 ~1989
187545431875454319 ~1989
18754559375091198 ~1988
187546694501120579 ~1990
18755543375110878 ~1988
18755699375113998 ~1988
18756071375121438 ~1988
18756323375126478 ~1988
187573371125440239 ~1989
187574111875741119 ~1989
18757463375149278 ~1988
18758423375168478 ~1988
18758711375174238 ~1988
18758783375175678 ~1988
18759131375182638 ~1988
18760151375203038 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
187606971500855779 ~1989
18760823375216478 ~1988
187609911500879299 ~1989
18761159375223198 ~1988
18761783375235678 ~1988
18761903375238078 ~1988
187619932626679039 ~1990
187622094502930179 ~1990
18762251375245038 ~1988
18762839375256798 ~1988
18762923375258478 ~1988
18763103375262078 ~1988
18763499375269998 ~1988
187639912762059475311 ~1995
18764051375281038 ~1988
18764111375282238 ~1988
187642371125854239 ~1989
18764639375292798 ~1988
18764831375296638 ~1988
187655571125933439 ~1989
18765731375314638 ~1988
18766211375324238 ~1988
18766463375329278 ~1988
18766763375335278 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
18766883375337678 ~1988
18766931375338638 ~1988
187671373002741939 ~1990
187672913378112399 ~1990
187678971501431779 ~1989
18767999375359998 ~1988
18768479375369598 ~1988
18768719375374398 ~1988
18768803375376078 ~1988
18769259375385198 ~1988
18769319375386398 ~1988
18769571375391438 ~1988
18769643375392878 ~1988
18769799375395998 ~1988
18769871375397438 ~1988
18770039375400798 ~1988
18770963375419278 ~1988
187710371126262239 ~1989
18771143375422878 ~1988
187714131126284799 ~1989
18771803375436078 ~1988
187719239385961519 ~1991
18772511375450238 ~1988
18772619375452398 ~1988
4.368.158 digits