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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
18656003373120078 ~1988
18656219373124398 ~1988
18656411373128238 ~1988
18656669194029357710 ~1992
18656999373139998 ~1988
186571611119429679 ~1989
18657239373144798 ~1988
18657839373156798 ~1988
18658043373160878 ~1988
18658319373166398 ~1988
186583571119501439 ~1989
18659519373190398 ~1988
18659759373195198 ~1988
18660623373212478 ~1988
186614171119685039 ~1989
18661639242601307110 ~1992
18661739373234798 ~1988
18661859373237198 ~1988
18661991373239838 ~1988
186619971119719839 ~1989
18662291373245838 ~1988
18662639373252798 ~1988
18662711373254238 ~1988
186629471093648694311 ~1994
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
18663119373262398 ~1988
18663779373275598 ~1988
18663803373276078 ~1988
18663839373276798 ~1988
18664199373283998 ~1988
18664259373285198 ~1988
18664703373294078 ~1988
186648311866483119 ~1989
186648431866484319 ~1989
18665219373304398 ~1988
186653414106375039 ~1990
18665459373309198 ~1988
18665819373316398 ~1988
18666383373327678 ~1988
18666419373328398 ~1988
18666839373336798 ~1988
186672471493379779 ~1989
18667331373346638 ~1988
18667679373353598 ~1988
18667919373358398 ~1988
186680591866805919 ~1989
186682131120092799 ~1989
186683811120102879 ~1989
186685991866859919 ~1989
18668759373375198 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
18669971373399438 ~1988
18670259373405198 ~1988
186712931120277599 ~1989
186716836348372239 ~1991
186723731120342399 ~1989
18673103373462078 ~1988
18673139373462798 ~1988
18673211373464238 ~1988
18673283373465678 ~1988
18673379373467598 ~1988
18673643373472878 ~1988
18674471373489438 ~1988
18674699373493998 ~1988
18674749522892972110 ~1993
18674783373495678 ~1988
18674951373499038 ~1988
186752811494022499 ~1989
186753531120521199 ~1989
18675659373513198 ~1988
18675791373515838 ~1988
186760018572284459111 ~1996
186764593361762639 ~1990
18677051373541038 ~1988
18677111373542238 ~1988
18677231373544638 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
18677303373546078 ~1988
186775793361964239 ~1990
18677723373554478 ~1988
18677843373556878 ~1988
18678119373562398 ~1988
18678509145692370310 ~1992
18678623373572478 ~1988
186795531120773199 ~1989
18680003373600078 ~1988
18680111373602238 ~1988
18680159373603198 ~1988
186807593362536639 ~1990
18681203373624078 ~1988
18681431373628638 ~1988
186816971120901839 ~1989
18682091373641838 ~1988
18682619373652398 ~1988
18682679373653598 ~1988
186830331120981999 ~1989
18683183373663678 ~1988
186840131121040799 ~1989
18684299373685998 ~1988
186848231868482319 ~1989
18684863373697278 ~1988
18685571373711438 ~1988
4.368.158 digits