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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14933843298676878 ~1987
14934119298682398 ~1987
14934191298683838 ~1987
14934197896051838 ~1988
149343795973751619 ~1990
14934431298688638 ~1987
149344971194759779 ~1988
14934911298698238 ~1987
149354472389671539 ~1989
14935859298717198 ~1987
14935937896156238 ~1988
14936231298724638 ~1987
14937119298742398 ~1987
14937311298746238 ~1987
14937491298749838 ~1987
14937731298754638 ~1987
14937911298758238 ~1987
14938043298760878 ~1987
14938271298765438 ~1987
14938331298766638 ~1987
14938499298769998 ~1987
149387511195100099 ~1988
14938817896329038 ~1988
14939051298781038 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14939159298783198 ~1987
14939399298787998 ~1987
149395971195167779 ~1988
14939759298795198 ~1987
14940239298804798 ~1987
14940683298813678 ~1987
149409171195273379 ~1988
14941259298825198 ~1987
149413872390621939 ~1989
14941463298829278 ~1987
14941499298829998 ~1987
14941763298835278 ~1987
14942363298847278 ~1987
14942533896551998 ~1988
14942891298857838 ~1987
149431512390904179 ~1989
149431971195455779 ~1988
14943251298865038 ~1987
149435719862756879 ~1991
14943683298873678 ~1987
149441231494412319 ~1989
149441592689948639 ~1989
14944211298884238 ~1987
14944379298887598 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14944481896668878 ~1988
14944739298894798 ~1987
14944931298898638 ~1987
14945291298905838 ~1987
14945471298909438 ~1987
14946443298928878 ~1987
14946493896789598 ~1988
14946719298934398 ~1987
14946983298939678 ~1987
14947259298945198 ~1987
149478534484355919 ~1990
14948099298961998 ~1987
14948243298964878 ~1987
14948513896910798 ~1988
14948621896917278 ~1988
14948683179384196110 ~1991
14949191298983838 ~1987
14949377896962638 ~1988
149494011195952099 ~1988
14949491298989838 ~1987
14949497896969838 ~1988
14950139299002798 ~1987
14950151299003038 ~1987
14950163299003278 ~1987
14950583299011678 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14951063299021278 ~1987
14951621308003392710 ~1992
14952419299048398 ~1987
14952611299052238 ~1987
14952923299058478 ~1987
149529891196239139 ~1988
14953331299066638 ~1987
14953619299072398 ~1987
14953751299075038 ~1987
14954063299081278 ~1987
149545032392720499 ~1989
14956031299120638 ~1987
14956283299125678 ~1987
14956499299129998 ~1987
149566792692202239 ~1989
149566911196535299 ~1988
14956811299136238 ~1987
14956813897408798 ~1988
149569873589676899 ~1990
14957483299149678 ~1987
149579471495794719 ~1989
149584011196672099 ~1988
14958479299169598 ~1987
14958731299174638 ~1987
149588294487648719 ~1990
4.368.158 digits