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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
131892434484342639 ~1990
13189283263785678 ~1987
13189343263786878 ~1987
13189441791366478 ~1988
13189901791394078 ~1988
13190003263800078 ~1987
13190459263809198 ~1987
13190917791455038 ~1988
13190951263819038 ~1987
13191097791465838 ~1988
13191323263826478 ~1987
13191599263831998 ~1987
13192463263849278 ~1987
131931238707461199 ~1990
13193483263869678 ~1987
13193783263875678 ~1987
131939511055516099 ~1988
13194011263880238 ~1987
13194353791661198 ~1988
13194373791662398 ~1988
13194563263891278 ~1987
13194673791680398 ~1988
131949593166790179 ~1989
13195163263903278 ~1987
131951871055614979 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13195211263904238 ~1987
131958372111333939 ~1989
13196159263923198 ~1987
131965639501525379 ~1990
13196999263939998 ~1987
13197161791829678 ~1988
13197683263953678 ~1987
13197731263954638 ~1987
13197923263958478 ~1987
13198019263960398 ~1987
13198259263965198 ~1987
13198439263968798 ~1987
131984591319845919 ~1988
131986971055895779 ~1988
13199051263981038 ~1987
13199099263981998 ~1987
13199183263983678 ~1987
13200179264003598 ~1987
13200251264005038 ~1987
13200779264015598 ~1987
13201403264028078 ~1987
13201763264035278 ~1987
13201841792110478 ~1988
13201943264038878 ~1987
132019991320199919 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13202639264052798 ~1987
13202831264056638 ~1987
132029772112476339 ~1989
13203017792181038 ~1988
13203083264061678 ~1987
13203251264065038 ~1987
13203563264071278 ~1987
132036531848511439 ~1989
13203719264074398 ~1987
132038333961149919 ~1989
132038594489312079 ~1990
13204043264080878 ~1987
13204283264085678 ~1987
13205603264112078 ~1987
13205723264114478 ~1987
13206353792381198 ~1988
13206419264128398 ~1987
13206971264139438 ~1987
13207277792436638 ~1988
132077211056617699 ~1988
132077394226476499 ~1990
13207979264159598 ~1987
132082191056657539 ~1988
13208291752872587110 ~1993
13208399264167998 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13208557792513438 ~1988
132094097133080879 ~1990
13209641792578478 ~1988
13209743264194878 ~1987
132098211056785699 ~1988
132098711320987119 ~1988
13210163264203278 ~1987
13210583264211678 ~1987
132108175020110479 ~1990
132113115548750639 ~1990
13211519264230398 ~1987
13211603264232078 ~1987
132116591321165919 ~1988
132118434227789779 ~1990
132123075284922819 ~1990
13212431264248638 ~1987
13212599264251998 ~1987
13213043264260878 ~1987
13213153792789198 ~1988
13213283264265678 ~1987
13214017792841038 ~1988
13214261792855678 ~1988
13214639264292798 ~1987
13214737792884238 ~1988
13215539264310798 ~1987
4.368.158 digits