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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
12535643250712878 ~1986
12535751250715038 ~1986
12535823250716478 ~1986
125358432005734899 ~1989
12535871250717438 ~1986
12536159250723198 ~1986
125362911002903299 ~1988
12536339250726798 ~1986
12536351250727038 ~1986
12537013752220798 ~1988
125370891755192479 ~1988
125371011002968099 ~1988
12537443250748878 ~1986
12537601752256078 ~1988
12537683250753678 ~1986
12537713752262798 ~1988
12537719250754398 ~1986
12538283250765678 ~1986
12538343250766878 ~1986
12538439250768798 ~1986
12538811250776238 ~1986
12538931250778638 ~1986
12539003250780078 ~1986
125391671253916719 ~1988
12539843250796878 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
12540263250805278 ~1986
12540491250809838 ~1986
12540653752439198 ~1988
125410371755745199 ~1988
12541211250824238 ~1986
125412473260724239 ~1989
12541283250825678 ~1986
12541439250828798 ~1986
12541493752489598 ~1988
12541541752492478 ~1988
12541751250835038 ~1986
12541799250835998 ~1986
12541811250836238 ~1986
12542401752544078 ~1988
12542639250852798 ~1986
12542723250854478 ~1986
12542951250859038 ~1986
12543071250861438 ~1986
125433471003467779 ~1988
12543593752615598 ~1988
12543911250878238 ~1986
12543959250879198 ~1986
125439891003519139 ~1988
12544033752641998 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
12544139250882798 ~1986
12544241752654478 ~1988
12544943250898878 ~1986
125454473010907299 ~1989
12546179250923598 ~1986
125462536774976639 ~1990
125464632007434099 ~1989
12546923250938478 ~1986
12547319250946398 ~1986
12547499250949998 ~1986
125478417779661439 ~1990
125484111003872899 ~1988
12548699250973998 ~1986
125495391003963139 ~1988
125500491004003939 ~1988
12550523251010478 ~1986
12550619251012398 ~1986
12550931251018638 ~1986
125510091004080739 ~1988
12551351251027038 ~1986
12551783251035678 ~1986
12551881753112878 ~1988
12551939100415512110 ~1990
125520792259374239 ~1989
12552311251046238 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
12552719251054398 ~1986
12552959251059198 ~1986
12552973753178398 ~1988
125532411004259299 ~1988
12553451251069038 ~1986
12553511251070238 ~1986
12553631251072638 ~1986
125536371004290979 ~1988
125542332008677299 ~1989
12554533753271998 ~1988
12554579251091598 ~1986
12554879251097598 ~1986
12555083251101678 ~1986
12555311251106238 ~1986
12555359251107198 ~1986
12555479251109598 ~1986
12555593100444744110 ~1990
12555743251114878 ~1986
125558475022338819 ~1990
125560672260092079 ~1989
12556139251122798 ~1986
12556499251129998 ~1986
12557711251154238 ~1986
12557819251156398 ~1986
12557933753475998 ~1988
4.234.620 digits