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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
117545392115817039 ~1989
11754779235095598 ~1986
11754839235096798 ~1986
11755223235104478 ~1986
117556212586236639 ~1989
11755979235119598 ~1986
11756219235124398 ~1986
11756273705376398 ~1987
11756351940508098 ~1988
11756761705405678 ~1987
11757041940563298 ~1988
11757299235145998 ~1986
11757373705442398 ~1987
11757419235148398 ~1986
11757509940600738 ~1988
11757743235154878 ~1986
11757961705477678 ~1987
11758091235161838 ~1986
11758457940676578 ~1988
11758559235171198 ~1986
11758661705519678 ~1987
11759171235183438 ~1986
11759243235184878 ~1986
117593272822238499 ~1989
11759399235187998 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11759963235199278 ~1986
11759987940798978 ~1988
117606071881697139 ~1988
11760803235216078 ~1986
11760839235216798 ~1986
11760913705654798 ~1987
11760977940878178 ~1988
11761031235220638 ~1986
11761259235225198 ~1986
11762363235247278 ~1986
11762483235249678 ~1986
11762711235254238 ~1986
11763203235264078 ~1986
11763239235264798 ~1986
11763551235271038 ~1986
117637571882201139 ~1988
11763923228220106310 ~1991
11764079235281598 ~1986
11764139235282798 ~1986
117641831176418319 ~1988
11764223235284478 ~1986
11764583235291678 ~1986
117651791176517919 ~1988
11765953705957198 ~1987
11766539235330798 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11767163235343278 ~1986
117671931647407039 ~1988
11767331235346638 ~1986
11767367941389378 ~1988
11767607941408578 ~1988
11767751235355038 ~1986
117677931647491039 ~1988
11768579235371598 ~1986
11768639235372798 ~1986
117687074001360399 ~1989
117688511176885119 ~1988
11768903235378078 ~1986
11769239235384798 ~1986
11769503235390078 ~1986
11769731235394638 ~1986
11769743235394878 ~1986
11770019235400398 ~1986
11770151235403038 ~1986
11770523235410478 ~1986
11770597706235838 ~1987
11771113706266798 ~1987
11771183235423678 ~1986
11771339235426798 ~1986
11771783235435678 ~1986
11771897941751778 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11772779235455598 ~1986
11772961706377678 ~1987
11773031235460638 ~1986
11773871235477438 ~1986
117739631177396319 ~1988
11773991235479838 ~1986
11774039235480798 ~1986
11774291235485838 ~1986
117742931883886899 ~1988
11774579235491598 ~1986
11774933706495998 ~1987
11775371235507438 ~1986
11776361706581678 ~1987
11776517706591038 ~1987
11776643235532878 ~1986
11776859942148738 ~1988
11777201706632078 ~1987
11777723235554478 ~1986
117781971648947599 ~1988
11778479235569598 ~1986
11778491235569838 ~1986
11778493706709598 ~1987
11778587942286978 ~1988
117786312120153599 ~1989
4.368.158 digits