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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13283663265673278 ~1987
13283843265676878 ~1987
132839571062716579 ~1988
13284083265681678 ~1987
13284113797046798 ~1988
13284839265696798 ~1987
13284863265697278 ~1987
13284899265697998 ~1987
13284983265699678 ~1987
13285319265706398 ~1987
132853671062829379 ~1988
13285757797145438 ~1988
13287293797237598 ~1988
132873173986195119 ~1989
13287383265747678 ~1987
132876071328760719 ~1988
13288153797289198 ~1988
13288199265763998 ~1987
13288403265768078 ~1987
13288841797330478 ~1988
13289183265783678 ~1987
132893231328932319 ~1988
13289519265790398 ~1987
13289663265793278 ~1987
13289999265799998 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13290001797400078 ~1988
13290083265801678 ~1987
13290493797429598 ~1988
13290731265814638 ~1987
13290779265815598 ~1987
13290983265819678 ~1987
13291721797503278 ~1988
13291931265838638 ~1987
13293023265860478 ~1987
13293239265864798 ~1987
13293431265868638 ~1987
13293443265868878 ~1987
13293851265877038 ~1987
13293971265879438 ~1987
13294031265880638 ~1987
13294163265883278 ~1987
13294321797659278 ~1988
13294511265890238 ~1987
13294871265897438 ~1987
132949491063595939 ~1988
13295123265902478 ~1987
132952911063623299 ~1988
13295519265910398 ~1987
13296133797767998 ~1988
13296191265923838 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13296203265924078 ~1987
13296539265930798 ~1987
13296791265935838 ~1987
13296851265937038 ~1987
13296971265939438 ~1987
13297103265942078 ~1987
13297301797838078 ~1988
13297871265957438 ~1987
13298111265962238 ~1987
13298123265962478 ~1987
132982371063858979 ~1988
13298381797902878 ~1988
13298699265973998 ~1987
13298723265974478 ~1987
13298737797924238 ~1988
13298843265976878 ~1987
13298951265979038 ~1987
13298963265979278 ~1987
132991791063934339 ~1988
132992271063938179 ~1988
13299421223430272910 ~1991
132998091063984739 ~1988
13300541798032478 ~1988
13300799266015998 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13300811266016238 ~1987
13301219266024398 ~1987
13301591266031838 ~1987
133016271064130179 ~1988
13301819266036398 ~1987
13301891266037838 ~1987
13302011266040238 ~1987
133020771862290799 ~1989
13302613798156798 ~1988
13302683266053678 ~1987
13303117798187038 ~1988
13303237798194238 ~1988
13303343266066878 ~1987
133034711330347119 ~1988
133035972128575539 ~1989
13303799266075998 ~1987
13303931266078638 ~1987
13304003266080078 ~1987
13304519266090398 ~1987
133049873459296639 ~1989
13305077798304638 ~1988
13305191266103838 ~1987
13306151266123038 ~1987
13306481798388878 ~1988
133065891862922479 ~1989
4.368.158 digits