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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11301071226021438 ~1986
11301431226028638 ~1986
11301707904136578 ~1988
11302253678135198 ~1987
113023872712572899 ~1989
11303339226066798 ~1986
11303471226069438 ~1986
11303543226070878 ~1986
113035631130356319 ~1988
113035733391071919 ~1989
113040011808640179 ~1988
11304457678267438 ~1987
11304697678281838 ~1987
11304757678285438 ~1987
11304851226097038 ~1986
11304959226099198 ~1986
11305631226112638 ~1986
113059811808956979 ~1988
11306579226131598 ~1986
11306591904527298 ~1988
11307061678423678 ~1987
11307563226151278 ~1986
11307893678473598 ~1987
11307899226157998 ~1986
11308091226161838 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11308103226162078 ~1986
113085671809370739 ~1988
11308991226179838 ~1986
113090571583267999 ~1988
113091732488018079 ~1989
113092931809486899 ~1988
11309773678586398 ~1987
11309843226196878 ~1986
11310059226201198 ~1986
11310191226203838 ~1986
11310251226205038 ~1986
113109112035963999 ~1988
11311297678677838 ~1987
11311571226231438 ~1986
11311739226234798 ~1986
11311799226235998 ~1986
11312051226241038 ~1986
11312537905002978 ~1988
11312831226256638 ~1986
11312881678772878 ~1987
11313061678783678 ~1987
11313311226266238 ~1986
11313371226267438 ~1986
11313521905081698 ~1988
113140075430723379 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11314403226288078 ~1986
11314427905154178 ~1988
11314559905164738 ~1988
11314763226295278 ~1986
113150711131507119 ~1988
11315281678916878 ~1987
11315351226307038 ~1986
11315441678926478 ~1987
11315519226310398 ~1986
11315581678934878 ~1987
11315807101842263110 ~1990
11316527905322178 ~1988
11316803226336078 ~1986
11316923226338478 ~1986
11317199226343998 ~1986
11317259226345198 ~1986
11317499226349998 ~1986
113179511131795119 ~1988
11318017679081038 ~1987
11318063226361278 ~1986
11318459226369198 ~1986
113184792037326239 ~1988
113185511131855119 ~1988
11318711226374238 ~1986
11318831226376638 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11319551226391038 ~1986
113195712037522799 ~1988
11319647905571778 ~1988
11320019905601538 ~1988
11320097679205838 ~1987
11320537679232238 ~1987
11320697905655778 ~1988
113212511132125119 ~1988
11321279226425598 ~1986
11321363226427278 ~1986
11321591226431838 ~1986
113216591132165919 ~1988
11321903226438078 ~1986
11321951226439038 ~1986
11322023226440478 ~1986
11322173679330398 ~1987
11322733679363998 ~1987
11322791226455838 ~1986
113229316567299999 ~1990
11323223226464478 ~1986
113237331585322639 ~1988
113237471132374719 ~1988
11323777679426638 ~1987
11323919226478398 ~1986
113244194529767619 ~1989
4.368.158 digits