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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11151683223033678 ~1986
11151781669106878 ~1987
111518711115187119 ~1988
11152103223042078 ~1986
111521471115214719 ~1988
111523991115239919 ~1988
11152499223049998 ~1986
11152633669157998 ~1987
11152703223054078 ~1986
11152727892218178 ~1987
11152871223057438 ~1986
11152919223058398 ~1986
11152961892236898 ~1987
11153099223061998 ~1986
11153201669192078 ~1987
11154443223088878 ~1986
11154461892356898 ~1987
11155139223102798 ~1986
111559575131740239 ~1989
11156399223127998 ~1986
11156423223128478 ~1986
11156549892523938 ~1987
11157623223152478 ~1986
11158331223166638 ~1986
111586193570758099 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11158691892695298 ~1987
11158799223175998 ~1986
111590091562261279 ~1988
111595131562331839 ~1988
11160503223210078 ~1986
11160839223216798 ~1986
11161393669683598 ~1987
11161439223228798 ~1986
11161523223230478 ~1986
111617895357658739 ~1989
11162351223247038 ~1986
11162891223257838 ~1986
11163059223261198 ~1986
11163599223271998 ~1986
11163653669819198 ~1987
11163683223273678 ~1986
11163731223274638 ~1986
11163851223277038 ~1986
111638536028480639 ~1990
11164057669843438 ~1987
11164943223298878 ~1986
11165123223302478 ~1986
11165519223310398 ~1986
11165639223312798 ~1986
111661871116618719 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
111662711116627119 ~1988
11167133670027998 ~1987
11167441670046478 ~1987
11167511223350238 ~1986
11167679223353598 ~1986
11167823223356478 ~1986
111682631786922099 ~1988
11168537670112238 ~1987
11168879223377598 ~1986
11169071223381438 ~1986
111694272010496879 ~1988
11170331223406638 ~1986
111704691141621931911 ~1993
11170813670248798 ~1987
11170979893678338 ~1987
11171063223421278 ~1986
11171137670268238 ~1987
11172071223441438 ~1986
11172443223448878 ~1986
111724795586239519 ~1989
11172481670348878 ~1987
111726073798686399 ~1989
11172677670360638 ~1987
11173499223469998 ~1986
11173559223471198 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11174027893922178 ~1987
11174171223483438 ~1986
11174459223489198 ~1986
111746993575903699 ~1989
111753232905583999 ~1989
11175491223509838 ~1986
111758114693840639 ~1989
11176211223524238 ~1986
11176439223528798 ~1986
11176703223534078 ~1986
11177363223547278 ~1986
11177711223554238 ~1986
11177759223555198 ~1986
11177951223559038 ~1986
111783311117833119 ~1988
11178971223579438 ~1986
11179121670747278 ~1987
11179271223585438 ~1986
11179331223586638 ~1986
111794177825591919 ~1990
11179559223591198 ~1986
11180651223613038 ~1986
11181431223628638 ~1986
11181539223630798 ~1986
11181959223639198 ~1986
4.368.158 digits