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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9295619185912398 ~1985
9295679185913598 ~1985
9295681557740878 ~1987
9295823185916478 ~1985
9295901557754078 ~1987
9296033557761998 ~1987
9296123185922478 ~1985
9296351185927038 ~1985
9296839929683918 ~1987
9296981743758498 ~1987
9297053557823198 ~1987
9297143185942878 ~1985
9297311185946238 ~1985
9297377557842638 ~1987
9297461557847678 ~1987
9297731185954638 ~1985
92978532045527679 ~1988
92978871673619679 ~1988
9298043185960878 ~1985
9298259185965198 ~1985
92983971301775599 ~1987
9299161557949678 ~1987
9299197557951838 ~1987
9299219185984398 ~1985
9299243185984878 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9299351185987038 ~1985
92993691301911679 ~1987
9300023186000478 ~1985
9300143186002878 ~1985
9300301558018078 ~1987
9300359186007198 ~1985
9300719186014398 ~1985
9300983186019678 ~1985
9301139186022798 ~1985
9301217558073038 ~1987
9301283186025678 ~1985
9301673558100398 ~1987
9301679186033598 ~1985
9301739186034798 ~1985
93018071674325279 ~1988
9301841558110478 ~1987
9301847744147778 ~1987
9301931186038638 ~1985
9302063186041278 ~1985
9302291186045838 ~1985
9302483186049678 ~1985
9302549744203938 ~1987
9302963186059278 ~1985
93031812790954319 ~1988
9303241558194478 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9303263186065278 ~1985
9303319930331918 ~1987
93033775209891139 ~1989
9303643930364318 ~1987
9303839186076798 ~1985
9303851186077038 ~1985
93040332791209919 ~1988
9304109744328738 ~1987
9304271744341698 ~1987
9304283186085678 ~1985
9304313558258798 ~1987
9304511186090238 ~1985
9304583186091678 ~1985
9304657558279438 ~1987
9304931186098638 ~1985
9305063186101278 ~1985
9305561558333678 ~1987
9305771186115438 ~1985
9306197558371838 ~1987
9306263186125278 ~1985
9306383186127678 ~1985
93068411489094579 ~1988
9307121558427278 ~1987
9307139186142798 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9307379186147598 ~1985
9307997558479838 ~1987
9308141744651298 ~1987
9308471186169438 ~1985
9308513558510798 ~1987
9308531186170638 ~1985
9308543186170878 ~1985
93085574468107379 ~1989
93091374468385779 ~1989
93094131303317839 ~1987
9309479186189598 ~1985
9309697558581838 ~1987
9310153558609198 ~1987
9310241558614478 ~1987
9310333558619998 ~1987
9310481558628878 ~1987
9310523186210478 ~1985
9310667744853378 ~1987
9310991186219838 ~1985
9311063186221278 ~1985
9312323186246478 ~1985
9312731186254638 ~1985
93127671676298079 ~1988
9312917745033378 ~1987
9313013558780798 ~1987
4.368.158 digits