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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8245409659632738 ~1986
8245631164912638 ~1985
82459271484266879 ~1987
8246039164920798 ~1985
8246081494764878 ~1986
8246363164927278 ~1985
8246599824659918 ~1987
8246681494800878 ~1986
8246951164939038 ~1985
8247077494824638 ~1986
8247203164944078 ~1985
8247359164947198 ~1985
8247517494851038 ~1986
8247557494853438 ~1986
8247923164958478 ~1985
8248027824802718 ~1987
8248301494898078 ~1986
8248739164974798 ~1985
8248763164975278 ~1985
82489573794520239 ~1988
8249119133635727910 ~1990
8249177494950638 ~1986
8249183164983678 ~1985
8249533494971998 ~1986
8249597494975838 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8249711164994238 ~1985
82499777919977939 ~1989
8250133495007998 ~1986
82502571155035999 ~1987
8250323165006478 ~1985
82503971980095299 ~1988
8250497495029838 ~1986
8251121495067278 ~1986
8251151165023038 ~1985
8251351825135118 ~1987
8251717495103038 ~1986
8251751165035038 ~1985
82519491155272879 ~1987
8252351165047038 ~1985
82523591485424639 ~1987
8252533495151998 ~1986
8252551825255118 ~1987
82526813136018799 ~1988
82528071485505279 ~1987
8252941495176478 ~1986
8253031825303118 ~1987
8253053495183198 ~1986
8253101495186078 ~1986
8253373495202398 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8253863165077278 ~1985
8253911165078238 ~1985
8253977495238638 ~1986
8254019165080398 ~1985
8254297495257838 ~1986
8254439165088798 ~1985
8254577495274638 ~1986
8254693495281598 ~1986
8254859165097198 ~1985
8254871165097438 ~1985
82550293302011619 ~1988
8255171660413698 ~1986
8255363165107278 ~1985
8255399165107998 ~1985
8255453495327198 ~1986
8255561257573503310 ~1990
8255657660452578 ~1986
8255711165114238 ~1985
82557711486038799 ~1987
82559391981425379 ~1988
8256233495373998 ~1986
8256779165135598 ~1985
8256863165137278 ~1985
82572372477171119 ~1988
8257643165152878 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8257757495465438 ~1986
8258099660647938 ~1986
8258303165166078 ~1985
8258333495499998 ~1986
8258543165170878 ~1985
8258717495523038 ~1986
8258737495524238 ~1986
8258819165176398 ~1985
8258903165178078 ~1985
8258951165179038 ~1985
8259067825906718 ~1987
8259143165182878 ~1985
8259479165189598 ~1985
8259551165191038 ~1985
8259683165193678 ~1985
8259743165194878 ~1985
8260073495604398 ~1986
8260457495627438 ~1986
82608071321729139 ~1987
8260883165217678 ~1985
8260919165218398 ~1985
82612434130621519 ~1988
8261339165226798 ~1985
8261501660920098 ~1986
4.368.158 digits