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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
77212933551794799 ~1988
7721303154426078 ~1985
7721501463290078 ~1986
7721891154437838 ~1985
7721977463318638 ~1986
77220171081082399 ~1987
7722119154442398 ~1985
7722443154448878 ~1985
7722623154452478 ~1985
7722791154455838 ~1985
77228334170329839 ~1988
7722931772293118 ~1986
7723097617847778 ~1986
7723283154465678 ~1985
7723511154470238 ~1985
7723679154473598 ~1985
7723721463423278 ~1986
7723973463438398 ~1986
7723979154479598 ~1985
7724371772437118 ~1986
77247531081465439 ~1987
7724771154495438 ~1985
7724891154497838 ~1985
7725299154505998 ~1985
7725433463525998 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
7725611154512238 ~1985
7725709258038680710 ~1990
7725911154518238 ~1985
7725959618076738 ~1986
7726139154522798 ~1985
7726261463575678 ~1986
7726343154526878 ~1985
7726391154527838 ~1985
7726679154533598 ~1985
7727099154541998 ~1985
7727233463633998 ~1986
7727359772735918 ~1986
7728179154563598 ~1985
7728293463697598 ~1986
7728443154568878 ~1985
7728551154571038 ~1985
7729343154586878 ~1985
7729451154589038 ~1985
7729763154595278 ~1985
7729919154598398 ~1985
7730111154602238 ~1985
7730279154605598 ~1985
7730341463820478 ~1986
7730417463825038 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
77304311236868979 ~1987
7730531154610638 ~1985
77306512009969279 ~1987
77309636957866719 ~1989
7731433463885998 ~1986
77317074329755939 ~1988
7731721463903278 ~1986
7731761463905678 ~1986
7732321463939278 ~1986
7732457463947438 ~1986
7732471773247118 ~1986
7732633463957998 ~1986
7733087618646978 ~1986
7733431773343118 ~1986
7733471154669438 ~1985
7733711154674238 ~1985
7733941464036478 ~1986
7733951618716098 ~1986
7733983773398318 ~1986
7734119154682398 ~1985
7734203154684078 ~1985
7734317618745378 ~1986
77346071392229279 ~1987
7734689618775138 ~1986
7734791154695838 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
7734827618786178 ~1986
7734911618792898 ~1986
7734971154699438 ~1985
7735163154703278 ~1985
7735319154706398 ~1985
7735361464121678 ~1986
7735439154708798 ~1985
7735583154711678 ~1985
7735597464135838 ~1986
7735811154716238 ~1985
7736593464195598 ~1986
77366275106173839 ~1988
7736633464197998 ~1986
7736761464205678 ~1986
7736831154736638 ~1985
7736873464212398 ~1986
7736951154739038 ~1985
7737071154741438 ~1985
7737263154745278 ~1985
7737677619014178 ~1986
7737967773796718 ~1986
7738271154765438 ~1985
7738337464300238 ~1986
4.368.158 digits