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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
6389783127795678 ~1984
6389819127796398 ~1984
6390257383415438 ~1985
6390551127811038 ~1984
6390569894679678 ~1986
63908513067608499 ~1987
6391043127820878 ~1984
6391199511295938 ~1986
6391241383474478 ~1985
63912612556504419 ~1987
6391559127831198 ~1984
63917291406180399 ~1987
63918371022693939 ~1986
6391841511347298 ~1986
6391901383514078 ~1985
63919272173255199 ~1987
6392003127840078 ~1984
6392053383523198 ~1985
6392339511387138 ~1986
6392497383549838 ~1985
6392651127853038 ~1984
6393059127861198 ~1984
6393131511450498 ~1986
6393281383596878 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
6393461383607678 ~1985
6393599511487938 ~1986
6393857511508578 ~1986
6393911127878238 ~1984
6393917383635038 ~1985
6394163127883278 ~1984
6394217511537378 ~1986
63944591151002639 ~1986
6394477383668638 ~1985
63945111151011999 ~1986
6394781511582498 ~1986
6394799127895998 ~1984
6395231511618498 ~1986
63954473069814579 ~1987
6395657383739438 ~1985
6395699127913998 ~1984
6395797383747838 ~1985
6395803639580318 ~1986
6395819511665538 ~1986
6395861383751678 ~1985
6396113895455838 ~1986
6396569511725538 ~1986
6396701383802078 ~1985
6396857383811438 ~1985
6396877383812638 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
6397019127940398 ~1984
6397103127942078 ~1984
6397373383842398 ~1985
6397463127949278 ~1984
6397511127950238 ~1984
6397571127951438 ~1984
63976674222460239 ~1988
63976913582706979 ~1988
6397921383875278 ~1985
63982811023724979 ~1986
6398303127966078 ~1984
63983391535601379 ~1987
6398471127969438 ~1984
6398543127970878 ~1984
6398597383915838 ~1985
6398671639867118 ~1986
6398999127979998 ~1984
63991615503278479 ~1988
6399209511936738 ~1986
6399311127986238 ~1984
63993312559732419 ~1987
6399377383962638 ~1985
6399433383965998 ~1985
63995271535886499 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
6399611127992238 ~1984
6399761383985678 ~1985
6399917383995038 ~1985
6400019512001538 ~1986
6400139128002798 ~1984
6400391128007838 ~1984
6400453384027198 ~1985
64004891920146719 ~1987
6400813384048798 ~1985
6401273384076398 ~1985
6401303128026078 ~1984
6401377384082638 ~1985
6401399128027998 ~1984
6401459128029198 ~1984
6401471128029438 ~1984
6401669512133538 ~1986
6401687512134978 ~1986
6401723128034478 ~1984
6401891128037838 ~1984
6402157384129438 ~1985
6402161512172898 ~1986
64024932560997219 ~1987
6402577384154638 ~1985
6402839128056798 ~1984
4.368.158 digits