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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
1532308793064617599 ~1995
153235153245176244910 ~1997
1532473433064946879 ~1995
1532548313065096639 ~1995
1532576592452122544111 ~2000
1532613779195682639 ~1996
1532627993065255999 ~1995
153274129367857909710 ~1998
1532755979196535839 ~1996
1532805113065610239 ~1995
1532808113065616239 ~1995
1532839193065678399 ~1995
153289817122631853710 ~1996
1532928233065856479 ~1995
1532945033065890079 ~1995
1532962433065924879 ~1995
1533000113066000239 ~1995
1533004433066008879 ~1995
1533225113066450239 ~1995
1533292193066584399 ~1995
1533322793066645599 ~1995
1533350513066701039 ~1995
1533352433066704879 ~1995
1533386393066772799 ~1995
1533388793066777599 ~1995
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
1533406793066813599 ~1995
1533425579200553439 ~1996
1533527579201165439 ~1996
1533546833067093679 ~1995
153366307276059352710 ~1997
153375653214725914310 ~1997
1533830993067661999 ~1995
153385061460155183110 ~1998
1533910793067821599 ~1995
1534043513068087039 ~1995
1534166393068332799 ~1995
153417617214784663910 ~1997
1534222939205337599 ~1996
1534247513068495039 ~1995
153429583368230999310 ~1998
1534305233068610479 ~1995
1534315433068630879 ~1995
1534364633068729279 ~1995
1534378619206271679 ~1996
1534381793068763599 ~1995
1534399219206395279 ~1996
1534506833069013679 ~1995
1534527233069054479 ~1995
1534537433069074879 ~1995
1534569233069138479 ~1995
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
1534622033069244079 ~1995
1534680833069361679 ~1995
1534681793069363599 ~1995
1534691393069382799 ~1995
153470897368330152910 ~1998
1534718219208309279 ~1996
1534743233069486479 ~1995
153475799491122556910 ~1998
1534759139208554799 ~1996
1534771193069542399 ~1995
1534826033069652079 ~1995
1534950113069900239 ~1995
1534981793069963599 ~1995
153503683153503683110 ~1997
1535074579210447439 ~1996
1535179793070359599 ~1995
1535208593070417199 ~1995
1535214713070429439 ~1995
1535243633070487279 ~1995
1535248313070496639 ~1995
1535255393070510799 ~1995
1535273033070546079 ~1995
1535283113070566239 ~1995
1535286713070573439 ~1995
1535297219211783279 ~1996
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
1535301713070603439 ~1995
1535323433070646879 ~1995
153539297122831437710 ~1996
1535475713070951439 ~1995
1535494433070988879 ~1995
1535508233071016479 ~1995
153561347276410424710 ~1997
1535618393071236799 ~1995
1535647019213882079 ~1996
1535666393071332799 ~1995
1535716379214298239 ~1996
1535723513071447039 ~1995
153574307122859445710 ~1996
153575707153575707110 ~1997
1535763233071526479 ~1995
1535872433071744879 ~1995
1535885513071771039 ~1995
1535898113071796239 ~1995
153593117460779351110 ~1998
1535939393071878799 ~1995
153601193215041670310 ~1997
1536021713072043439 ~1995
1536107393072214799 ~1995
1536137033072274079 ~1995
1536162713072325439 ~1995
4.012.381 digits