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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
557940831115881679 ~1991
557957715579577119 ~1993
557959911115919839 ~1991
557990418927846579 ~1994
558024591116049199 ~1991
558036613348219679 ~1993
558041391116082799 ~1991
558044991116089999 ~1991
558045711116091439 ~1991
558047333348283999 ~1993
558048111116096239 ~1991
558055311116110639 ~1991
558061973348371839 ~1993
558083031116166079 ~1991
558085791116171599 ~1991
558087773348526639 ~1993
558105111116210239 ~1991
55810823145108139910 ~1994
558111173348667039 ~1993
558115431116230879 ~1991
558115791116231599 ~1991
55813283234415788710 ~1995
558136733348820399 ~1993
55815631323730659910 ~1995
558156795581567919 ~1993
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
558158391116316799 ~1991
558165831116331679 ~1991
558183133349098799 ~1993
558214614465716899 ~1993
558239511116479039 ~1991
558275031116550079 ~1991
558304191116608399 ~1991
558321675583216719 ~1993
558335511116671039 ~1991
558346311116692639 ~1991
558363231116726479 ~1991
558374511116749039 ~1991
55837861256854160710 ~1995
558381711116763439 ~1991
558386333350317999 ~1993
55838711234522586310 ~1995
558403911116807839 ~1991
558424311116848639 ~1991
558430311116860639 ~1991
558439791116879599 ~1991
558463311116926639 ~1991
558471111116942239 ~1991
558478431116956879 ~1991
558483711116967439 ~1991
558488574467908579 ~1993
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
558509413351056479 ~1993
558523194468185539 ~1993
558524511117049039 ~1991
55853983592052219910 ~1996
558553995585539919 ~1993
558565791117131599 ~1991
558572511117145039 ~1991
558576714468613699 ~1993
558582591117165199 ~1991
558590031117180079 ~1991
558597591117195199 ~1991
558599274468794179 ~1993
558606533351639199 ~1993
558610213351661279 ~1993
558621231117242479 ~1991
558631791117263599 ~1991
558650391117300799 ~1991
558663294469306339 ~1993
558692115586921119 ~1993
558701813352210879 ~1993
558702613352215679 ~1993
558717894469743139 ~1993
55871831100569295910 ~1994
558738013352428079 ~1993
55880567100585020710 ~1994
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
558807075588070719 ~1993
558835191117670399 ~1991
558871191117742399 ~1991
558881213353287279 ~1993
558900711117801439 ~1991
558911514471292099 ~1993
558915231117830479 ~1991
5589186168579313447112 ~2001
558972231117944479 ~1991
558977715589777119 ~1993
558988911117977839 ~1991
558990591117981199 ~1991
559002591118005199 ~1991
559031031118062079 ~1991
559033578944537139 ~1994
559041533354249199 ~1993
559075914472607299 ~1993
559080591118161199 ~1991
559110711118221439 ~1991
559113711118227439 ~1991
559116711118233439 ~1991
559128231118256479 ~1991
559130031118260079 ~1991
559133031118266079 ~1991
559139991118279999 ~1991
4.368.158 digits