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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
422222813377782499 ~1992
42222311844446238 ~1991
422233972533403839 ~1992
422238972533433839 ~1992
42224111844482238 ~1991
42224723844494478 ~1991
42225143844502878 ~1991
422254613378036899 ~1992
42226403844528078 ~1991
42226883844537678 ~1991
42227123844542478 ~1991
42228143844562878 ~1991
422282236756515699 ~1993
42228443844568878 ~1991
42229091844581838 ~1991
42230147312503087910 ~1994
42230543844610878 ~1991
42230603844612078 ~1991
42232271844645438 ~1991
422324513378596099 ~1992
42233231844664638 ~1991
42233351844667038 ~1991
422348212534089279 ~1992
42235493363225239910 ~1995
42235943844718878 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
42236039844720798 ~1991
42239231844784638 ~1991
42239651844793038 ~1991
422401793379214339 ~1992
422403074224030719 ~1992
42240839844816798 ~1991
42240851844817038 ~1991
42240959844819198 ~1991
42241163844823278 ~1991
42241943844838878 ~1991
42242303844846078 ~1991
42242699844853998 ~1991
42243037202766577710 ~1994
422449339293885279 ~1993
42246311844926238 ~1991
42247511844950238 ~1991
42247561304182439310 ~1994
422486234224862319 ~1992
422487293379898339 ~1992
422488132534928799 ~1992
42250223845004478 ~1991
42250399177451675910 ~1994
42251089498562850310 ~1995
42251903845038078 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
422523173380185379 ~1992
42252719845054398 ~1991
422535372535212239 ~1992
422542572535255439 ~1992
422543412535260479 ~1992
42258743845174878 ~1991
422590816761452979 ~1993
422591812535550879 ~1992
422600412535602479 ~1992
42260171845203438 ~1991
42260639845212798 ~1991
42260891135234851310 ~1993
42262919845258398 ~1991
42264263845285278 ~1991
42264311845286238 ~1991
42264539845290798 ~1991
42265031845300638 ~1991
42266363845327278 ~1991
422686073381488579 ~1992
42268883845377678 ~1991
422692876763085939 ~1993
42269543845390878 ~1991
42270071845401438 ~1991
422702594227025919 ~1992
422725013381800099 ~1992
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
422740793381926339 ~1992
42274703845494078 ~1991
42276187380485683110 ~1995
42276191845523838 ~1991
422773732536642399 ~1992
42278053194479043910 ~1994
42280211845604238 ~1991
42280321126840963110 ~1993
42282263845645278 ~1991
42282599845651998 ~1991
422843095919803279 ~1993
42286943845738878 ~1991
42287039845740798 ~1991
42287183845743678 ~1991
42287471845749438 ~1991
42288419845768398 ~1991
42288971845779438 ~1991
42289343845786878 ~1991
42289823845796478 ~1991
422904012537424079 ~1992
42290471845809438 ~1991
422909393383275139 ~1992
42291071845821438 ~1991
42291143845822878 ~1991
4.368.158 digits