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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
41130203822604078 ~1990
41130413296138973710 ~1994
41131043822620878 ~1990
41132099822641998 ~1990
41132111822642238 ~1990
411324532467947199 ~1992
41132519822650398 ~1990
411341332468047999 ~1992
41134199822683998 ~1990
41134451822689038 ~1990
411346373290770979 ~1992
41134811822696238 ~1990
411351113290808899 ~1992
411356932468141599 ~1992
411359812468158879 ~1992
41135999822719998 ~1990
411362479872699299 ~1993
41136323822726478 ~1990
411366612468199679 ~1992
41136671822733438 ~1990
41136731822734638 ~1990
41137091822741838 ~1990
41137751822755038 ~1990
41137919822758398 ~1990
411385994113859919 ~1992
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
41138879822777598 ~1990
41140919822818398 ~1990
41141423822828478 ~1990
41141519822830398 ~1990
411419932468519599 ~1992
41142383822847678 ~1990
41143163822863278 ~1990
411436514114365119 ~1992
41145623822912478 ~1990
411457332468743999 ~1992
41148203822964078 ~1990
41149331822986638 ~1990
41150723823014478 ~1990
411509532469057199 ~1992
411511816584188979 ~1993
411518212469109279 ~1992
41151839823036798 ~1990
411524812469148879 ~1992
41152511823050238 ~1990
41152931823058638 ~1990
411567074115670719 ~1992
41159483823189678 ~1990
411596093292768739 ~1992
41159819823196398 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
411601313292810499 ~1992
411604012469624079 ~1992
41160851823217038 ~1990
41161511823230238 ~1990
41162843823256878 ~1990
41164439823288798 ~1990
41167799823355998 ~1990
41168579823371598 ~1990
41170403823408078 ~1990
41170859823417198 ~1990
41171099823421998 ~1990
411717599881222179 ~1993
41172899823457998 ~1990
411747599881942179 ~1993
41175443823508878 ~1990
411755993294047939 ~1992
411758513294068099 ~1992
41175863823517278 ~1990
41177399823547998 ~1990
41177879823557598 ~1990
41179823823596478 ~1990
41180339823606798 ~1990
41180423823608478 ~1990
411814332470885999 ~1992
411824412470946479 ~1992
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
411841613294732899 ~1992
41185799823715998 ~1990
41187059823741198 ~1990
41189303823786078 ~1990
411896332471377999 ~1992
411897473295179779 ~1992
411912612471475679 ~1992
41191523823830478 ~1990
41191691823833838 ~1990
41192159823843198 ~1990
41193059823861198 ~1990
41194379823887598 ~1990
41194469131822300910 ~1993
41195041123585123110 ~1993
41196719823934398 ~1990
411968213295745699 ~1992
411971993295775939 ~1992
41197811823956238 ~1990
411984677415724079 ~1993
41199563823991278 ~1990
412006971483225092111 ~1996
41201483824029678 ~1990
412021212472127279 ~1992
412032775768458799 ~1993
41206103824122078 ~1990
4.368.158 digits