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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
47069647160036799910 ~1994
47069723941394478 ~1991
47071943941438878 ~1991
470727412824364479 ~1992
47075111941502238 ~1991
47075449112981077710 ~1994
47078051310715136710 ~1995
470790893766327139 ~1992
47079611941592238 ~1991
47080331941606638 ~1991
47082599941651998 ~1991
47083511941670238 ~1991
470836332825017999 ~1992
47084879941697598 ~1991
47087123941742478 ~1991
47088143941762878 ~1991
47088491941769838 ~1991
47088911941778238 ~1991
470901612825409679 ~1992
470905212825431279 ~1992
47091349141274047110 ~1994
47093639941872798 ~1991
470937012825622079 ~1992
47094119941882398 ~1991
47095523941910478 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
47097731941954638 ~1991
47099711941994238 ~1991
471010012826060079 ~1992
47101091942021838 ~1991
47103191942063838 ~1991
47104523942090478 ~1991
47104643942092878 ~1991
471049013768392099 ~1992
47107199942143998 ~1991
47109323942186478 ~1991
47112173113069215310 ~1994
47112911942258238 ~1991
47113799942275998 ~1991
47114219942284398 ~1991
471146813769174499 ~1992
471152873769222979 ~1992
47117699942353998 ~1991
47118059942361198 ~1991
47122199942443998 ~1991
47122643150792457710 ~1994
47123183942463678 ~1991
47125271942505438 ~1991
47126389226206667310 ~1994
47127551942551038 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
47127659942553198 ~1991
47128703942574078 ~1991
47130371942607438 ~1991
47131499942629998 ~1991
47133011942660238 ~1991
471334514713345119 ~1993
47133659942673198 ~1991
47134211942684238 ~1991
47134271942685438 ~1991
47135723942714478 ~1991
47136059942721198 ~1991
471365213770921699 ~1992
47136923942738478 ~1991
47136983942739678 ~1991
471401417542422579 ~1993
47140559942811198 ~1991
471412514714125119 ~1993
47143223942864478 ~1991
47144159942883198 ~1991
471447612828685679 ~1992
47146013631756574310 ~1995
47146439942928798 ~1991
47147363942947278 ~1991
47149163942983278 ~1991
47149391942987838 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
47149499942989998 ~1991
471495194714951919 ~1993
47149691942993838 ~1991
471502514715025119 ~1993
47151971943039438 ~1991
471520034715200319 ~1993
47152571943051438 ~1991
47154791235773955110 ~1994
47155403943108078 ~1991
47157043188628172110 ~1994
47157839943156798 ~1991
471585834678131433711 ~1998
471588896602244479 ~1993
471590696602269679 ~1993
47159531943190638 ~1991
47159639943192798 ~1991
47163359943267198 ~1991
47163509377308072110 ~1995
471641332829847999 ~1992
471646394716463919 ~1993
47166503943330078 ~1991
47168783943375678 ~1991
471704398490679039 ~1993
47170859943417198 ~1991
47171231943424638 ~1991
4.012.381 digits