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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
35944379718887598 ~1990
35945303718906078 ~1990
35945363718907278 ~1990
35945963718919278 ~1990
35947403718948078 ~1990
35948039718960798 ~1990
35948651718973038 ~1990
35948723718974478 ~1990
359504172157025039 ~1991
359505132157030799 ~1991
35951603719032078 ~1990
35952131719042638 ~1990
359532772157196639 ~1991
35953943719078878 ~1990
35955539719110798 ~1990
359568412157410479 ~1991
35957171719143438 ~1990
35959151719183038 ~1990
35959331719186638 ~1990
35960531719210638 ~1990
359605495034476879 ~1992
35960591719211838 ~1990
359609092876872739 ~1991
35961143719222878 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
35961323719226478 ~1990
35961371719227438 ~1990
359614612157687679 ~1991
35961599719231998 ~1990
359619292876954339 ~1991
35962691719253838 ~1990
359627476473294479 ~1992
35963303719266078 ~1990
35963579719271598 ~1990
35964023719280478 ~1990
35965283719305678 ~1990
359654932157929599 ~1991
359664615754633779 ~1992
35967131719342638 ~1990
35967419719348398 ~1990
35967623719352478 ~1990
359680612877444899 ~1991
35968151719363038 ~1990
35968703719374078 ~1990
359697712877581699 ~1991
359698631352466848911 ~1996
35970023719400478 ~1990
35970719719414398 ~1990
35971451719429038 ~1990
35973263719465278 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
359736073597360719 ~1992
35973923719478478 ~1990
35974943719498878 ~1990
35975171719503438 ~1990
359760535036647439 ~1992
35977379719547598 ~1990
35977919719558398 ~1990
35980463719609278 ~1990
35980643719612878 ~1990
35982239719644798 ~1990
35982491719649838 ~1990
35982911719658238 ~1990
35983763719675278 ~1990
35983859719677198 ~1990
359840212159041279 ~1991
35984411719688238 ~1990
359876713598767119 ~1992
359880892879047139 ~1991
35988143719762878 ~1990
35988539719770798 ~1990
35989379719787598 ~1990
35989979719799598 ~1990
35990063719801278 ~1990
35990231719804638 ~1990
359903932159423599 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
359912992879303939 ~1991
35991503719830078 ~1990
35992331719846638 ~1990
359930532159583199 ~1991
35993339719866798 ~1990
359935276478834879 ~1992
359936272879490179 ~1991
35994251719885038 ~1990
359943132159658799 ~1991
35994383719887678 ~1990
35996399719927998 ~1990
35996711719934238 ~1990
35997119604751599310 ~1995
35997443719948878 ~1990
35998199719963998 ~1990
359984932159909599 ~1991
35998751719975038 ~1990
359992332159953999 ~1991
359994772879958179 ~1991
35999567410395063910 ~1994
36000323720006478 ~1990
360003612160021679 ~1991
36000599720011998 ~1990
36001799720035998 ~1990
36002171720043438 ~1990
4.368.158 digits