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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
295607571773645439 ~1990
29561111591222238 ~1989
295616812364934499 ~1991
295617371773704239 ~1990
29561771591235438 ~1989
29562839591256798 ~1989
29562899591257998 ~1989
29562959591259198 ~1989
29565071591301438 ~1989
295662971773977839 ~1990
29567123591342478 ~1989
29568923591378478 ~1989
295693032956930319 ~1991
29570351591407038 ~1989
29570759591415198 ~1989
295713434731414899 ~1992
295716675322900079 ~1992
29571719591434398 ~1989
295732372365858979 ~1991
295739771774438639 ~1990
29574119591482398 ~1989
29574179591483598 ~1989
29574731591494638 ~1989
29575319591506398 ~1989
295756571774539439 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
295761618872848319 ~1992
295762211774573279 ~1990
29577371591547438 ~1989
29578859591577198 ~1989
29579831591596638 ~1989
295799171774795039 ~1990
29580191591603838 ~1989
29580251591605038 ~1989
29580983591619678 ~1989
29581091591621838 ~1989
29582471591649438 ~1989
29582699591653998 ~1989
29583143591662878 ~1989
295841832958418319 ~1991
295843931775063599 ~1990
29584931591698638 ~1989
29585651591713038 ~1989
29586083591721678 ~1989
29587823591756478 ~1989
29588459591769198 ~1989
29589071591781438 ~1989
29589383591787678 ~1989
295896892367175139 ~1991
295897131775382799 ~1990
29590559591811198 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
295906371775438239 ~1990
29591123591822478 ~1989
295925931775555599 ~1990
29593643591872878 ~1989
29593703591874078 ~1989
295937219469990739 ~1992
295939131775634799 ~1990
29594843591896878 ~1989
295950772367606179 ~1991
29595311591906238 ~1989
29595551591911038 ~1989
295956672959566719 ~1991
29595743591914878 ~1989
29596571591931438 ~1989
29597063591941278 ~1989
29597279591945598 ~1989
29597303591946078 ~1989
295974112367792899 ~1991
295974611775847679 ~1990
29598119591962398 ~1989
295995611775973679 ~1990
295997112959971119 ~1991
29600099592001998 ~1989
296003692368029539 ~1991
296004792960047919 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
29600531592010638 ~1989
29601263592025278 ~1989
296023331776139999 ~1990
296024992368199939 ~1991
29602739592054798 ~1989
29603699592073998 ~1989
29604083592081678 ~1989
296042092368336739 ~1991
29604719592094398 ~1989
296053072368424579 ~1991
29605319592106398 ~1989
29605571592111438 ~1989
29605931592118638 ~1989
29607323592146478 ~1989
296079131776474799 ~1990
29607983592159678 ~1989
29608223592164478 ~1989
29608259592165198 ~1989
29609711592194238 ~1989
29610083592201678 ~1989
29610599592211998 ~1989
296110331776661999 ~1990
29611559592231198 ~1989
29611583592231678 ~1989
4.368.158 digits