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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
28269491565389838 ~1989
28269803565396078 ~1989
28270163565403278 ~1989
28270559565411198 ~1989
28270811565416238 ~1989
282708595088754639 ~1991
28270871565417438 ~1989
28271291565425838 ~1989
28271471565429438 ~1989
28271879565437598 ~1989
28272203565444078 ~1989
28272971565459438 ~1989
28273211565464238 ~1989
28273319565466398 ~1989
28273859565477198 ~1989
282739131696434799 ~1990
28274483565489678 ~1989
28274591565491838 ~1989
282749995089499839 ~1991
282762011696572079 ~1990
28276439565528798 ~1989
28276571565531438 ~1989
28278011565560238 ~1989
282782531696695199 ~1990
28278671565573438 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
28278779565575598 ~1989
28279019565580398 ~1989
282793731696762399 ~1990
28279859565597198 ~1989
28279931565598638 ~1989
28280723565614478 ~1989
28280831565616638 ~1989
28281371565627438 ~1989
28282139565642798 ~1989
28282343565646878 ~1989
28282739565654798 ~1989
28283159565663198 ~1989
282831611696989679 ~1990
28283459565669198 ~1989
28283543565670878 ~1989
282837434525398899 ~1991
28283831565676638 ~1989
28284023565680478 ~1989
28285571565711438 ~1989
28286171565723438 ~1989
28286831565736638 ~1989
28287179565743598 ~1989
28287503565750078 ~1989
28287839565756798 ~1989
28288163565763278 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
28288439565768798 ~1989
28288679565773598 ~1989
28288751565775038 ~1989
28289279565785598 ~1989
28289483565789678 ~1989
28289903565798078 ~1989
28290131565802638 ~1989
28290539565810798 ~1989
28290659565813198 ~1989
282906731697440399 ~1990
28290719565814398 ~1989
28291079565821598 ~1989
282915472263323779 ~1991
282916512829165119 ~1991
28291751565835038 ~1989
28291811565836238 ~1989
28292483565849678 ~1989
28292651565853038 ~1989
28292711565854238 ~1989
28293263565865278 ~1989
282938272263506179 ~1991
28294319565886398 ~1989
28294523565890478 ~1989
28294811565896238 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
28295231565904638 ~1989
28297319565946398 ~1989
28297331565946638 ~1989
28297679565953598 ~1989
28297943565958878 ~1989
28298639565972798 ~1989
282992112829921119 ~1991
28299443565988878 ~1989
28299503565990078 ~1989
28299539565990798 ~1989
28299731565994638 ~1989
28299839565996798 ~1989
28299899565997998 ~1989
28299923565998478 ~1989
28300043566000878 ~1989
28300271566005438 ~1989
28300379566007598 ~1989
28300403566008078 ~1989
28300703566014078 ~1989
283009131698054799 ~1990
283014011698084079 ~1990
28301579566031598 ~1989
28301639566032798 ~1989
28302251566045038 ~1989
28302479566049598 ~1989
4.368.158 digits