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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
249325811495954879 ~1990
24932651498653038 ~1989
24932903498658078 ~1989
24933059498661198 ~1989
249334811496008879 ~1990
24934319498686398 ~1989
24935363498707278 ~1989
24935699498713998 ~1989
24935759498715198 ~1989
24936011498720238 ~1989
24936503498730078 ~1989
24936731498734638 ~1989
24937331498746638 ~1989
24937571498751438 ~1989
24937739498754798 ~1989
24938159498763198 ~1989
249381912493819119 ~1990
24938471498769438 ~1989
24938519498770398 ~1989
24938737119705937710 ~1992
24938939498778798 ~1989
24938951498779038 ~1989
24939251498785038 ~1989
24939983498799678 ~1989
24940271498805438 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
24940703498814078 ~1989
24940823498816478 ~1989
24940859498817198 ~1989
249408714489356799 ~1991
249430071995440579 ~1990
24943043498860878 ~1989
24943823498876478 ~1989
24944459498889198 ~1989
24944603498892078 ~1989
249453371496720239 ~1990
24945491498909838 ~1989
249455271995642179 ~1990
24945863498917278 ~1989
24945923498918478 ~1989
24946391498927838 ~1989
24946451498929038 ~1989
24946979498939598 ~1989
24947183498943678 ~1989
249471891995775139 ~1990
24947843498956878 ~1989
24948251498965038 ~1989
24948551498971038 ~1989
249486971496921839 ~1990
24949139498982798 ~1989
249492291995938339 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
24949703498994078 ~1989
24950111499002238 ~1989
24950603499012078 ~1989
24951263499025278 ~1989
249518331497109999 ~1990
249521811996174499 ~1990
24952283499045678 ~1989
24952451499049038 ~1989
24952747144725932710 ~1992
24953303499066078 ~1989
24953333239551996910 ~1993
24953471499069438 ~1989
24953711499074238 ~1989
24954071499081438 ~1989
24954179499083598 ~1989
249543897486316719 ~1992
24954431499088638 ~1989
24954911499098238 ~1989
24954959499099198 ~1989
24955211499104238 ~1989
249552131497312799 ~1990
24955499499109998 ~1989
24955571499111438 ~1989
24956231499124638 ~1989
24956363499127278 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
249567733993083699 ~1991
249571371497428239 ~1990
249571931497431599 ~1990
24957539499150798 ~1989
24958163499163278 ~1989
24958259499165198 ~1989
249597411497584479 ~1990
24960011499200238 ~1989
24960179499203598 ~1989
24960203499204078 ~1989
24960251499205038 ~1989
249606432496064319 ~1990
24960791499215838 ~1989
24961283499225678 ~1989
24961379499227598 ~1989
24961691499233838 ~1989
24962303499246078 ~1989
24962699499253998 ~1989
24963023499260478 ~1989
24963143499262878 ~1989
249631731497790399 ~1990
24963479499269598 ~1989
249636371497818239 ~1990
249638112496381119 ~1990
24963839499276798 ~1989
4.368.158 digits