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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22322771446455438 ~1988
22322879446457598 ~1988
223228931339373599 ~1990
22323683446473678 ~1988
223240874018335679 ~1991
22324339129481166310 ~1992
22324499446489998 ~1988
223245714018422799 ~1991
223248771785990179 ~1990
22325903446518078 ~1988
22326179446523598 ~1988
22326659446533198 ~1988
22326971446539438 ~1988
22327139446542798 ~1988
22327463446549278 ~1988
22328843446576878 ~1988
22329119446582398 ~1988
22329179446583598 ~1988
22329311446586238 ~1988
22329431446588638 ~1988
22329479446589598 ~1988
223298511786388099 ~1990
223306213572899379 ~1991
22330751446615038 ~1988
223307531339845199 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22331339446626798 ~1988
22331651446633038 ~1988
22331819446636398 ~1988
22331951446639038 ~1988
223321435806357199 ~1991
22332263446645278 ~1988
22333079446661598 ~1988
22334171446683438 ~1988
223343171340059039 ~1990
22334687285883993710 ~1993
22335023446700478 ~1988
22335359446707198 ~1988
22336031446720638 ~1988
223362912233629119 ~1990
22336439446728798 ~1988
223368171340209039 ~1990
22336871446737438 ~1988
22336991446739838 ~1988
22337363446747278 ~1988
22338143446762878 ~1988
22338191446763838 ~1988
22338791446775838 ~1988
22339319446786398 ~1988
223393491787147939 ~1990
22339571446791438 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22339799446795998 ~1988
22340471446809438 ~1988
22341251446825038 ~1988
22341491446829838 ~1988
22341551446831038 ~1988
22341563446831278 ~1988
223416371340498239 ~1990
22341743446834878 ~1988
22342009263635706310 ~1993
22343003446860078 ~1988
22343099446861998 ~1988
22343231446864638 ~1988
22343291446865838 ~1988
22343663446873278 ~1988
22344191446883838 ~1988
223446531340679199 ~1990
22345019446900398 ~1988
223456571340739439 ~1990
223466693128533679 ~1990
223469413575510579 ~1991
22347203446944078 ~1988
223473435363362339 ~1991
22347359446947198 ~1988
22347623446952478 ~1988
22347863446957278 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22348103446962078 ~1988
22348223446964478 ~1988
22348537210076247910 ~1992
22348619446972398 ~1988
22348919446978398 ~1988
22348979446979598 ~1988
22349003446980078 ~1988
22349843446996878 ~1988
22350011447000238 ~1988
22350791447015838 ~1988
22351151447023038 ~1988
223512371341074239 ~1990
22351691447033838 ~1988
22352111447042238 ~1988
22352279447045598 ~1988
22352903447058078 ~1988
22353197120707263910 ~1992
22353791447075838 ~1988
22353923447078478 ~1988
223540011341240079 ~1990
22354019447080398 ~1988
223544811788358499 ~1990
223545131341270799 ~1990
223553211788425699 ~1990
22355351447107038 ~1988
4.368.158 digits