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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22261391445227838 ~1988
22261439445228798 ~1988
22262063445241278 ~1988
222620871780966979 ~1990
22262543445250878 ~1988
22262711445254238 ~1988
222630495343131779 ~1991
222640491781123939 ~1990
222641474007546479 ~1991
22264283445285678 ~1988
22264439445288798 ~1988
22264871445297438 ~1988
222648771335892639 ~1990
22264919445298398 ~1988
22265723445314478 ~1988
22266371445327438 ~1988
22266383445327678 ~1988
22266911445338238 ~1988
22267103445342078 ~1988
22267319445346398 ~1988
22267523445350478 ~1988
22267643445352878 ~1988
22268219445364398 ~1988
22268483445369678 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22269503445390078 ~1988
22269959445399198 ~1988
22270019445400398 ~1988
22270271445405438 ~1988
22270343445406878 ~1988
22270439445408798 ~1988
22270823445416478 ~1988
222709331336255999 ~1990
222716331336297999 ~1990
22271663445433278 ~1988
22272011445440238 ~1988
22272083445441678 ~1988
222722771336336639 ~1990
222726611336359679 ~1990
22272851445457038 ~1988
22273523445470478 ~1988
22273571445471438 ~1988
22275119445502398 ~1988
222754011782032099 ~1990
22275719445514398 ~1988
222758176682745119 ~1991
22276283445525678 ~1988
222763694900801199 ~1991
222765171782121379 ~1990
222765613564249779 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
222766632227666319 ~1990
22276703445534078 ~1988
22276823445536478 ~1988
22276931445538638 ~1988
222771535346516739 ~1991
22277831445556638 ~1988
222780711782245699 ~1990
22278299445565998 ~1988
222784392227843919 ~1990
22278563445571278 ~1988
22278719445574398 ~1988
22279079445581598 ~1988
22279319445586398 ~1988
222794472227944719 ~1990
22279643445592878 ~1988
22279703445594078 ~1988
22280243445604878 ~1988
22280339445606798 ~1988
22280411445608238 ~1988
22281131445622638 ~1988
222812211782497699 ~1990
22281719445634398 ~1988
22281923445638478 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22282283445645678 ~1988
22282511445650238 ~1988
22282679445653598 ~1988
22282703445654078 ~1988
222834978913398819 ~1992
22284011445680238 ~1988
222844611337067679 ~1990
22284863445697278 ~1988
22285859445717198 ~1988
22285871445717438 ~1988
22286063445721278 ~1988
22286111445722238 ~1988
22286171445723438 ~1988
22286219445724398 ~1988
22286399445727998 ~1988
22286723445734478 ~1988
22286879445737598 ~1988
222877371783018979 ~1990
222883971783071779 ~1990
222886811337320879 ~1990
222891613566265779 ~1991
22289411445788238 ~1988
22289483445789678 ~1988
222897591783180739 ~1990
22289999445799998 ~1988
4.368.158 digits