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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
21946079438921598 ~1988
219466011316796079 ~1989
21946751438935038 ~1988
219470894828359599 ~1991
21947483438949678 ~1988
21948323438966478 ~1988
219488211316929279 ~1989
21948851438977038 ~1988
21949139438982798 ~1988
21949223438984478 ~1988
219497894828953599 ~1991
21949871438997438 ~1988
219501971317011839 ~1989
21950783439015678 ~1988
21951179439023598 ~1988
219512113951217999 ~1991
219515331317091999 ~1989
21951623439032478 ~1988
21951731439034638 ~1988
21951971439039438 ~1988
219519771317118639 ~1989
21952823439056478 ~1988
219530511756244099 ~1990
219533531317201199 ~1989
21953411439068238 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
21953999439079998 ~1988
21954059439081198 ~1988
21954323439086478 ~1988
219549011317294079 ~1989
21955919439118398 ~1988
21955931439118638 ~1988
219560091756480739 ~1990
21956303439126078 ~1988
21956471439129438 ~1988
21957503439150078 ~1988
21957623439152478 ~1988
219582891756663139 ~1990
21959159439183198 ~1988
21959279439185598 ~1988
21960131439202638 ~1988
21960299439205998 ~1988
219605773513692339 ~1991
21961319439226398 ~1988
219614178784566819 ~1991
21961931439238638 ~1988
21961991439239838 ~1988
21962411439248238 ~1988
219627011317762079 ~1989
219632093074849279 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
219634512196345119 ~1990
21963671439273438 ~1988
21963863439277278 ~1988
21964031439280638 ~1988
219640811317844879 ~1989
219641571317849439 ~1989
21964451439289038 ~1988
21965039439300798 ~1988
21965243439304878 ~1988
21965519439310398 ~1988
21966359439327198 ~1988
21966551439331038 ~1988
21966683439333678 ~1988
21967019439340398 ~1988
21967031439340638 ~1988
21967091439341838 ~1988
21967331439346638 ~1988
21967763439355278 ~1988
219678673514858739 ~1991
21968099439361998 ~1988
21968279439365598 ~1988
21968483439369678 ~1988
21968543439370878 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
219687171757497379 ~1990
21969191439383838 ~1988
21970499439409998 ~1988
21971399439427998 ~1988
21971459439429198 ~1988
21971639439432798 ~1988
21971711439434238 ~1988
219720293076084079 ~1990
21972479439449598 ~1988
21972803439456078 ~1988
21972971439459438 ~1988
21973331439466638 ~1988
21973379439467598 ~1988
21973631439472638 ~1988
21973739439474798 ~1988
21973799439475998 ~1988
219738711757909699 ~1990
21973883439477678 ~1988
219740593955330639 ~1991
21974471439489438 ~1988
21974951439499038 ~1988
21975851439517038 ~1988
21975911439518238 ~1988
21976343439526878 ~1988
21976463439529278 ~1988
4.368.158 digits