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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
19938839398776798 ~1988
19939511398790238 ~1988
19939583398791678 ~1988
19939763398795278 ~1988
19940363398807278 ~1988
199409331196455999 ~1989
19941419398828398 ~1988
19941683398833678 ~1988
199417211196503279 ~1989
19941791398835838 ~1988
19941899398837998 ~1988
19941923398838478 ~1988
199419731196518399 ~1989
19942511398850238 ~1988
19943051398861038 ~1988
19943411398868238 ~1988
19943531398870638 ~1988
19943639398872798 ~1988
19943831398876638 ~1988
19944251398885038 ~1988
19944371398887438 ~1988
19944719398894398 ~1988
199447974786751299 ~1991
19944863398897278 ~1988
19945283398905678 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
199453971595631779 ~1989
19945511398910238 ~1988
19946411398928238 ~1988
199469099574516339 ~1991
19946963398939278 ~1988
19947071398941438 ~1988
199475171196851039 ~1989
199475231994752319 ~1990
19947731398954638 ~1988
19948931398978638 ~1988
19948979398979598 ~1988
19949459398989198 ~1988
19949543398990878 ~1988
19949603398992078 ~1988
199504811197028879 ~1989
199506471596051779 ~1989
19951163399023278 ~1988
19951199399023998 ~1988
19951271399025438 ~1988
19952351399047038 ~1988
19952519399050398 ~1988
19952591399051838 ~1988
19953179399063598 ~1988
19953383399067678 ~1988
19954043399080878 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
19954163399083278 ~1988
19954223399084478 ~1988
19954283399085678 ~1988
19954439399088798 ~1988
19954619399092398 ~1988
199550572793707999 ~1990
19955231399104638 ~1988
19955711399114238 ~1988
19955759399115198 ~1988
19955843399116878 ~1988
19956179399123598 ~1988
199566411596531299 ~1989
199570334390547279 ~1991
19957079399141598 ~1988
19957103399142078 ~1988
19957523399150478 ~1988
199581171197487039 ~1989
19958219399164398 ~1988
19959083399181678 ~1988
19959311399186238 ~1988
199595091596760739 ~1989
19960043399200878 ~1988
19960211399204238 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
199603094391267999 ~1991
199603191596825539 ~1989
19960403399208078 ~1988
19960799399215998 ~1988
19961003399220078 ~1988
19961099399221998 ~1988
199611891596895139 ~1989
19961351399227038 ~1988
19961471399229438 ~1988
199616811596934499 ~1989
199619171197715039 ~1989
19961939399238798 ~1988
199625811597006499 ~1989
199631211197787279 ~1989
19963259399265198 ~1988
19963871399277438 ~1988
199640811197844879 ~1989
19964159399283198 ~1988
199646771197880639 ~1989
19964999399299998 ~1988
19965443399308878 ~1988
199656899583530739 ~1991
19966031399320638 ~1988
19966091399321838 ~1988
199666571197999439 ~1989
4.368.158 digits