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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
17866703357334078 ~1988
178673411072040479 ~1989
17867891357357838 ~1988
17867903357358078 ~1988
17868143357362878 ~1988
17868239357364798 ~1988
178684193216315439 ~1990
17868443357368878 ~1988
17868551357371038 ~1988
17868659357373198 ~1988
17869199357383998 ~1988
178701311787013119 ~1989
17870579357411598 ~1988
17870591357411838 ~1988
17870999357419998 ~1988
17871083357421678 ~1988
17871263357425278 ~1988
17871611357432238 ~1988
17872139357442798 ~1988
17872271357445438 ~1988
178725535361765919 ~1990
178727171072363039 ~1989
17873543357470878 ~1988
178736171072417039 ~1989
17873963357479278 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
17873983189464219910 ~1992
17874911357498238 ~1988
17875079357501598 ~1988
17875391357507838 ~1988
178773611072641679 ~1989
17877683357553678 ~1988
17878043357560878 ~1988
17878127143025016110 ~1992
17878643357572878 ~1988
17878691357573838 ~1988
178788133933338879 ~1990
17878859357577198 ~1988
178792211072753279 ~1989
17879243357584878 ~1988
178795571072773439 ~1989
17879831357596638 ~1988
17880179357603598 ~1988
17880419357608398 ~1988
17881151357623038 ~1988
178811692503363679 ~1990
178813491430507939 ~1989
17881379357627598 ~1988
17881763357635278 ~1988
178821411430571299 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
178824791788247919 ~1989
178825632861210099 ~1990
17883623357672478 ~1988
178840031788400319 ~1989
17884211357684238 ~1988
17884439357688798 ~1988
178844571430756579 ~1989
17884931357698638 ~1988
17885111357702238 ~1988
17885771357715438 ~1988
17885929168127732710 ~1992
17886551357731038 ~1988
17886611357732238 ~1988
17886623357732478 ~1988
178866471430931779 ~1989
178867611073205679 ~1989
17887211357744238 ~1988
17887223357744478 ~1988
17887619357752398 ~1988
17887739357754798 ~1988
17888159357763198 ~1988
178885131073310799 ~1989
17889359357787198 ~1988
17889877114495212910 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
178901771073410639 ~1989
178904931073429599 ~1989
17890991357819838 ~1988
17891339357826798 ~1988
178916593220498639 ~1990
178918131073508799 ~1989
17891843357836878 ~1988
17891903357838078 ~1988
17891963357839278 ~1988
17892299357845998 ~1988
17892599357851998 ~1988
178926594294238179 ~1990
17892863357857278 ~1988
17893283357865678 ~1988
17893523357870478 ~1988
17893619357872398 ~1988
17894111357882238 ~1988
17894603357892078 ~1988
178948131073688799 ~1989
17894879357897598 ~1988
178951332863221299 ~1990
178958811073752879 ~1989
178963211073779279 ~1989
17896583357931678 ~1988
17896943357938878 ~1988
4.368.158 digits