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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
17429939348598798 ~1987
17429999348599998 ~1987
17430659348613198 ~1987
174308931045853599 ~1989
17430971348619438 ~1987
17431163348623278 ~1987
174312432788998899 ~1990
17431259348625198 ~1987
17431391348627838 ~1987
17431679348633598 ~1987
17431763348635278 ~1987
17432111348642238 ~1987
17432231348644638 ~1987
17432423348648478 ~1987
174329271394634179 ~1989
174335232789363699 ~1990
174335391394683139 ~1989
17433599348671998 ~1988
174337371046024239 ~1989
17433743348674878 ~1988
17433803348676078 ~1988
17434019348680398 ~1988
17434211348684238 ~1988
17434451348689038 ~1988
174345411046072479 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
17434583348691678 ~1988
17434619348692398 ~1988
17435303348706078 ~1988
17435963348719278 ~1988
174360312789764979 ~1990
17436383348727678 ~1988
17436899348737998 ~1988
174371534184916739 ~1990
174376011046256079 ~1989
17437883348757678 ~1988
17438231348764638 ~1988
17438279348765598 ~1988
17438471348769438 ~1988
174387235580391379 ~1990
17438783348775678 ~1988
174393771395150179 ~1989
17439419348788398 ~1988
17439479348789598 ~1988
17439959348799198 ~1988
17440331348806638 ~1988
17440343348806878 ~1988
17440583348811678 ~1988
174408473139352479 ~1990
17440859348817198 ~1988
17440883348817678 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
174411611046469679 ~1989
17441351348827038 ~1988
17441579348831598 ~1988
174418732441862239 ~1990
17442479348849598 ~1988
17442611348852238 ~1988
17443103348862078 ~1988
174431171046587039 ~1989
174433731046602399 ~1989
174435071744350719 ~1989
17443571348871438 ~1988
17443859348877198 ~1988
17443931348878638 ~1988
17444411348888238 ~1988
174446713140040799 ~1990
17444891348897838 ~1988
174449931046699599 ~1989
174451197326949999 ~1991
174452711744527119 ~1989
174460071395680579 ~1989
17446027153525037710 ~1992
174460671395685379 ~1989
17446391348927838 ~1988
17446763348935278 ~1988
174469871744698719 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
174472313140501599 ~1990
17447543348950878 ~1988
17447999348959998 ~1988
17448779348975598 ~1988
174487915583613139 ~1990
17448803348976078 ~1988
17448839348976798 ~1988
17449583348991678 ~1988
17449703348994078 ~1988
174498771395990179 ~1989
174499813838995839 ~1990
17450243349004878 ~1988
174504711396037699 ~1989
17451023349020478 ~1988
17451191349023838 ~1988
17451719349034398 ~1988
17451971349039438 ~1988
17452031349040638 ~1988
174521571047129439 ~1989
17452199349043998 ~1988
17452223349044478 ~1988
174526671396213379 ~1989
17452703349054078 ~1988
17453363349067278 ~1988
17453783349075678 ~1988
4.368.158 digits