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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
167169371003016239 ~1989
16717523334350478 ~1987
16717931334358638 ~1987
167182811003096879 ~1989
16718363334367278 ~1987
167188395684405279 ~1990
16718963334379278 ~1987
16719179334383598 ~1987
167193791671937919 ~1989
16719623334392478 ~1987
167203571003221439 ~1989
16720859334417198 ~1987
16720871334417438 ~1987
16721063334421278 ~1987
16721279334425598 ~1987
16721651334433038 ~1987
16721819334436398 ~1987
16722683334453678 ~1987
167227372341183199 ~1989
16722899334457998 ~1987
16722911334458238 ~1987
16723079334461598 ~1987
16723331334466638 ~1987
167238975017169119 ~1990
16724003334480078 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
16724399334487998 ~1987
16724423334488478 ~1987
16724483334489678 ~1987
16725119334502398 ~1987
16725179334503598 ~1987
16725479334509598 ~1987
16725539334510798 ~1987
16725563334511278 ~1987
167261411003568479 ~1989
16726343334526878 ~1987
16726379334527598 ~1987
167266011003596079 ~1989
16726739334534798 ~1987
16726799334535998 ~1987
16727411334548238 ~1987
167276531003659199 ~1989
16727759334555198 ~1987
16728083334561678 ~1987
167281971003691839 ~1989
167282771003696639 ~1989
16729019334580398 ~1987
16729523334590478 ~1987
167295771003774639 ~1989
167296791338374339 ~1989
16729871334597438 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
16729991334599838 ~1987
16730183334603678 ~1987
16730243334604878 ~1987
167304731003828399 ~1989
16730663334613278 ~1987
16731023334620478 ~1987
16731779334635598 ~1987
16732091334641838 ~1987
167324095019722719 ~1990
16732643334652878 ~1987
16732679334653598 ~1987
16733303334666078 ~1987
16733399334667998 ~1987
167341631673416319 ~1989
16734251334685038 ~1987
167342811004056879 ~1989
167343377697795039 ~1991
16734911334698238 ~1987
167357931004147599 ~1989
16736039334720798 ~1987
167360873012495679 ~1990
16736243334724878 ~1987
16736411334728238 ~1987
16736771334735438 ~1987
167370012677920179 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
167371011338968099 ~1989
167371211004227279 ~1989
167372692343217679 ~1989
16737463120509733710 ~1991
167377611004265679 ~1989
16737971334759438 ~1987
16738019334760398 ~1987
16738103334762078 ~1987
16738343334766878 ~1987
167383993012911839 ~1990
167388611004331679 ~1989
167389211004335279 ~1989
167391971004351839 ~1989
16739363334787278 ~1987
167394171004365039 ~1989
16739531334790638 ~1987
16739759334795198 ~1987
16739843334796878 ~1987
16739903334798078 ~1987
16739939334798798 ~1987
16740371334807438 ~1987
16740623334812478 ~1987
16740683334813678 ~1987
16741031334820638 ~1987
167410971004465839 ~1989
4.368.158 digits