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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
16663103333262078 ~1987
16663271333265438 ~1987
16664057999843438 ~1989
166641613666115439 ~1990
166644114332746879 ~1990
16664801999888078 ~1989
16664831333296638 ~1987
16665371333307438 ~1987
16666319333326398 ~1987
16667291333345838 ~1987
16667699333353998 ~1987
166677731000066399 ~1989
16668419333368398 ~1987
166684671333477379 ~1989
166690971000145839 ~1989
16669223333384478 ~1987
16669283333385678 ~1987
166693611333548899 ~1989
166695292333734079 ~1989
16669799333395998 ~1987
166700771000204639 ~1989
166702331000213999 ~1989
16670257426758579310 ~1993
16670399333407998 ~1987
16670603333412078 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
16670663333413278 ~1987
16671503333430078 ~1987
16671731333434638 ~1987
16671779333435598 ~1987
16671899333437998 ~1987
16672391333447838 ~1987
166724713001044799 ~1990
16672499333449998 ~1987
16672511333450238 ~1987
16672679333453598 ~1987
166729611333836899 ~1989
16673339333466798 ~1987
166734011000404079 ~1989
166740171000441039 ~1989
16674631120057343310 ~1991
16675091333501838 ~1987
16675259333505198 ~1987
166753011000518079 ~1989
16675619333512398 ~1987
166757091334056739 ~1989
16675859333517198 ~1987
16675979333519598 ~1987
166762732334678239 ~1989
166763211000579279 ~1989
166764171334113379 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
166770611000623679 ~1989
16677239333544798 ~1987
16677299333545998 ~1987
16677779333555598 ~1987
16678163333563278 ~1987
16678391333567838 ~1987
16678919333578398 ~1987
16679111333582238 ~1987
16679231333584638 ~1987
16679651333593038 ~1987
16679699333593998 ~1987
166800191668001919 ~1989
166806171000837039 ~1989
166807931000847599 ~1989
16681103333622078 ~1987
16681319333626398 ~1987
16681499333629998 ~1987
16681823333636478 ~1987
16681991333639838 ~1987
16682063333641278 ~1987
16682111333642238 ~1987
16682411333648238 ~1987
16682591333651838 ~1987
16682999333659998 ~1987
16683203333664078 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
166837393003073039 ~1990
166842671668426719 ~1989
166842771334742179 ~1989
16684331333686638 ~1987
16684571333691438 ~1987
166846272669540339 ~1990
166846491334771939 ~1989
16684931333698638 ~1987
16685171333703438 ~1987
166851972669631539 ~1990
16685939333718798 ~1987
16686119333722398 ~1987
16686251333725038 ~1987
16686899333737998 ~1987
166872771001236639 ~1989
16687691333753838 ~1987
166879333671345279 ~1990
166884371001306239 ~1989
166889771001338639 ~1989
16689443333788878 ~1987
16690031333800638 ~1987
16690763333815278 ~1987
16691183333823678 ~1987
16691303333826078 ~1987
16691579333831598 ~1987
4.368.158 digits