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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14292263285845278 ~1987
142924191143393539 ~1988
14292539285850798 ~1987
14292851285857038 ~1987
14293271285865438 ~1987
14293283285865678 ~1987
14293463285869278 ~1987
142938192572887439 ~1989
14293841857630478 ~1988
14293859285877198 ~1987
142941791429417919 ~1989
14294459285889198 ~1987
14294519285890398 ~1987
14295251285905038 ~1987
14295553857733198 ~1988
14295613857736798 ~1988
14295791285915838 ~1987
14295863285917278 ~1987
142958811143670499 ~1988
14295959285919198 ~1987
14296057857763438 ~1988
14296343285926878 ~1987
14297351285947038 ~1987
14297831285956638 ~1987
14298023285960478 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
142987373431696899 ~1989
14299163285983278 ~1987
14299391285987838 ~1987
14299619285992398 ~1987
14299777857986638 ~1988
143000173432004099 ~1989
14300063286001278 ~1987
14300543286010878 ~1987
143007171144057379 ~1988
143008491144067939 ~1988
14300879286017598 ~1987
14301191286023838 ~1987
14301383286027678 ~1987
14301821858109278 ~1988
14301863286037278 ~1987
143021571144172579 ~1988
14302283286045678 ~1987
14302511286050238 ~1987
14303041858182478 ~1988
14303077858184638 ~1988
14303213320391971310 ~1992
14303339286066798 ~1987
14303363286067278 ~1987
14303963286079278 ~1987
143039691144317539 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14303981858238878 ~1988
14304217858253038 ~1988
14304431286088638 ~1987
14304623286092478 ~1987
14304863286097278 ~1987
14305001858300078 ~1988
14305019286100398 ~1987
143053011144424099 ~1988
14305757858345438 ~1988
14307119286142398 ~1987
14307533171690396110 ~1991
14307563286151278 ~1987
14307899286157998 ~1987
14307983286159678 ~1987
14308331286166638 ~1987
14308753858525198 ~1988
143088133147938879 ~1989
143090214292706319 ~1990
14309111286182238 ~1987
14309173858550398 ~1988
143092314578953939 ~1990
14309341858560478 ~1988
143094293434262979 ~1989
14309723286194478 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14309833858589998 ~1988
143099691144797539 ~1988
14310377858622638 ~1988
14310683286213678 ~1987
14310839286216798 ~1987
14311259286225198 ~1987
143125132003751839 ~1989
14312663286253278 ~1987
14312939286258798 ~1987
14313119286262398 ~1987
14313263286265278 ~1987
14313419286268398 ~1987
14314259286285198 ~1987
143151171145209379 ~1988
14315291286305838 ~1987
14315317858919038 ~1988
143155971145247779 ~1988
143158395726335619 ~1990
143160071431600719 ~1989
14316479286329598 ~1987
14316551286331038 ~1987
14316719286334398 ~1987
14316781859006878 ~1988
14316901859014078 ~1988
14316917859015038 ~1988
4.368.158 digits