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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
115298533458955919 ~1989
11530019230600398 ~1986
11530091230601838 ~1986
11530703230614078 ~1986
11530991922479298 ~1988
11531339230626798 ~1986
11531477691888638 ~1987
115316693690134099 ~1989
11532011230640238 ~1986
11532203230644078 ~1986
11532431230648638 ~1986
11532611230652238 ~1986
11532841691970478 ~1987
11533031230660638 ~1986
11533211230664238 ~1986
11533451230669038 ~1986
11533859230677198 ~1986
11533919230678398 ~1986
11533943230678878 ~1986
11534723230694478 ~1986
11534801692088078 ~1987
11534819230696398 ~1986
11534909922792738 ~1988
11535001692100078 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11535113692106798 ~1987
11535373692122398 ~1987
11535941692156478 ~1987
11536043230720878 ~1986
11536223230724478 ~1986
11536361692181678 ~1987
11536597692195838 ~1987
11536631230732638 ~1986
11536691230733838 ~1986
115366991153669919 ~1988
115367992076623839 ~1988
11536913692214798 ~1987
11537077692224638 ~1987
11537369922989538 ~1988
11537741692264478 ~1987
11537783230755678 ~1986
11538311230766238 ~1986
11538853692331198 ~1987
11539439230788798 ~1986
11539691230793838 ~1986
11539981692398878 ~1987
11540279230805598 ~1986
11540519230810398 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11540759230815198 ~1986
11541611230832238 ~1986
115416713000834479 ~1989
11541899230837998 ~1986
11541923230838478 ~1986
115419899002751439 ~1990
11542211230844238 ~1986
11542523230850478 ~1986
11542799230855998 ~1986
11543039230860798 ~1986
11543351230867038 ~1986
115436033693952979 ~1989
11544161692649678 ~1987
11544359230887198 ~1986
11544601692676078 ~1987
115449311154493119 ~1988
11544959230899198 ~1986
11545223230904478 ~1986
115453272078158879 ~1988
11545553692733198 ~1987
11545561692733678 ~1987
115456272078212879 ~1988
11545649923651938 ~1988
11545837692750238 ~1987
11546063230921278 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11546393692783598 ~1987
11546603230932078 ~1986
11546917692815038 ~1987
11546939230938798 ~1986
11547001692820078 ~1987
11547059230941198 ~1986
11547077923766178 ~1988
11547251230945038 ~1986
11547323230946478 ~1986
11547491230949838 ~1986
11547551230951038 ~1986
11547671923813698 ~1988
115479611847673779 ~1988
11548157923852578 ~1988
11548391230967838 ~1986
11548739230974798 ~1986
11548871230977438 ~1986
11548919230978398 ~1986
115489376236425999 ~1990
11548997923919778 ~1988
11549339230986798 ~1986
11549423230988478 ~1986
11549459230989198 ~1986
11549819230996398 ~1986
4.368.158 digits