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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
10623029849842338 ~1987
10623083212461678 ~1986
10623131212462638 ~1986
10623143212462878 ~1986
10623491212469838 ~1986
10623911212478238 ~1986
106239732549753539 ~1988
106240574249622819 ~1989
10624151212483038 ~1986
106242471912364479 ~1988
10624259212485198 ~1986
10624319212486398 ~1986
10624331212486638 ~1986
10624343212486878 ~1986
10624403212488078 ~1986
10624571212491438 ~1986
10624979212499598 ~1986
10625003212500078 ~1986
10626251212525038 ~1986
10627283212545678 ~1986
10627619212552398 ~1986
10627691212553838 ~1986
106277532550660739 ~1988
10627871212557438 ~1986
106281594463826799 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
10628777850302178 ~1987
10628837637730238 ~1987
106290071700641139 ~1988
106290791062907919 ~1988
10629491212589838 ~1986
10629779212595598 ~1986
10630001850400098 ~1987
106305914252236419 ~1989
10630619212612398 ~1986
106306511063065119 ~1988
10630811212616238 ~1986
10631123212622478 ~1986
10631561637893678 ~1987
10631591212631838 ~1986
10631639212632798 ~1986
106316831063168319 ~1988
10632119212642398 ~1986
106324934890946799 ~1989
106330032551920739 ~1988
106330791913954239 ~1988
106332832551987939 ~1988
10633523212670478 ~1986
10633919212678398 ~1986
10633921638035278 ~1987
10634339212686798 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
10634363212687278 ~1986
10634411212688238 ~1986
10634747850779778 ~1987
10634777638086638 ~1987
10634951212699038 ~1986
10635011212700238 ~1986
10635917638155038 ~1987
10636091212721838 ~1986
10636337850906978 ~1987
10636469850917538 ~1987
10636739212734798 ~1986
10636793638207598 ~1987
106372731489218239 ~1988
10637303212746078 ~1986
10637411212748238 ~1986
10637771212755438 ~1986
10638161638289678 ~1987
106388834468330879 ~1989
106391411702262579 ~1988
10639177638350638 ~1987
10639523212790478 ~1986
10639631212792638 ~1986
10639633638377998 ~1987
10639691212793838 ~1986
10639703212794078 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
10639763212795278 ~1986
106398911063989119 ~1988
10640173638410398 ~1987
10640603212812078 ~1986
10641193638471598 ~1987
10641377851310178 ~1987
10641557638493438 ~1987
10641563212831278 ~1986
10641731212834638 ~1986
10641791212835838 ~1986
10641929851354338 ~1987
10642211212844238 ~1986
10642259212845198 ~1986
10642661851412898 ~1987
10642823212856478 ~1986
10643159851452738 ~1987
10643459212869198 ~1986
10643561851484898 ~1987
10643939212878798 ~1986
10644163127729956110 ~1990
10644383212887678 ~1986
10645223212904478 ~1986
10645277638716638 ~1987
4.368.158 digits