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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
10029839200596798 ~1986
10030421601825278 ~1987
10030463200609278 ~1986
10030753601845198 ~1987
10030991200619838 ~1986
10031579200631598 ~1986
100317431003174319 ~1987
100323911605182579 ~1988
10032553601953198 ~1987
10032563200651278 ~1986
10032611802608898 ~1987
10032917601975038 ~1987
10032923200658478 ~1986
10033091200661838 ~1986
10033229802658338 ~1987
100333696421356179 ~1989
10033619200672398 ~1986
10033703200674078 ~1986
10034041602042478 ~1987
10034231200684638 ~1986
10034293602057598 ~1987
10034399200687998 ~1986
10034537802762978 ~1987
100345971404843599 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
10034903200698078 ~1986
100349871806297679 ~1988
10035071200701438 ~1986
10035217602113038 ~1987
10035947802875778 ~1987
10036357602181438 ~1987
10036571200731438 ~1986
10037003200740078 ~1986
10037381602242878 ~1987
10037603200752078 ~1986
10037663200753278 ~1986
10037843200756878 ~1986
10037849803027938 ~1987
10038773602326398 ~1987
10038817602329038 ~1987
10038851200777038 ~1986
100390933011727919 ~1989
100393871807089679 ~1988
10039541803163298 ~1987
10039559200791198 ~1986
10039943200798878 ~1986
10040111200802238 ~1986
10040363200807278 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
10040603200812078 ~1986
100407171405700399 ~1988
10041071803285698 ~1987
10041131200822638 ~1986
10041431200828638 ~1986
10041599200831998 ~1986
10042093602525598 ~1987
10042199200843998 ~1986
10042463200849278 ~1986
10042619200852398 ~1986
10042691200853838 ~1986
10042741602564478 ~1987
10043051200861038 ~1986
100431715624175779 ~1989
10043699200873998 ~1986
100438633414913439 ~1989
100442471004424719 ~1987
100444932410678339 ~1988
10044623200892478 ~1986
10045103200902078 ~1986
10045313602718798 ~1987
100453631607258099 ~1988
10045559200911198 ~1986
10045601602736078 ~1987
10045901602754078 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
10046021602761278 ~1987
100462212210168639 ~1988
100463172867218871911 ~1993
10046341602780478 ~1987
10046501602790078 ~1987
10046537602792238 ~1987
10046891200937838 ~1986
100470431607526899 ~1988
10047071200941438 ~1986
10047179200943598 ~1986
10047203200944078 ~1986
10047431200948638 ~1986
10047593602855598 ~1987
10047977602878638 ~1987
10048019200960398 ~1986
10048163200963278 ~1986
100482531406755439 ~1988
10048331200966638 ~1986
10048373602902398 ~1987
10049219200984398 ~1986
10049231803938498 ~1987
10049393602963598 ~1987
100495131406931839 ~1988
10049519200990398 ~1986
100495934622812799 ~1989
4.368.158 digits