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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8278013496680798 ~1986
8278037662242978 ~1986
8278073496684398 ~1986
8278097496685838 ~1986
8278297496697838 ~1986
8278301662264098 ~1986
8278559165571198 ~1985
8278619165572398 ~1985
82786811324588979 ~1987
8278943165578878 ~1985
8279023827902318 ~1987
8279423165588478 ~1985
8279651165593038 ~1985
8279699165593998 ~1985
8279963165599278 ~1985
8280263165605278 ~1985
8280491165609838 ~1985
8280761496845678 ~1986
8280911165618238 ~1985
8281313496878798 ~1986
8281379165627598 ~1985
8281571165631438 ~1985
8281579828157918 ~1987
8282003165640078 ~1985
8282063165641278 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8282159165643198 ~1985
82821891159506479 ~1987
8282291662583298 ~1986
82824111490833999 ~1987
82824531159543439 ~1987
8282633496957998 ~1986
8282759165655198 ~1985
8283001496980078 ~1986
8283257496995438 ~1986
8283263165665278 ~1985
8283503165670078 ~1985
8283547828354718 ~1987
8283923165678478 ~1985
8284033497041998 ~1986
8284103165682078 ~1985
82843731988249539 ~1988
8284447828444718 ~1987
8284739165694798 ~1985
8284823165696478 ~1985
8284841497090478 ~1986
8284949662795938 ~1986
8285411165708238 ~1985
8285591165711838 ~1985
8285639662851138 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8285831165716638 ~1985
8286203165724078 ~1985
8286253497175198 ~1986
82865695137672799 ~1989
8286671165733438 ~1985
8286683165733678 ~1985
8286731165734638 ~1985
8287271165745438 ~1985
82877171326034739 ~1987
8287817497269038 ~1986
82880813149470799 ~1988
8288183165763678 ~1985
8288353497301198 ~1986
8288459165769198 ~1985
8288543165770878 ~1985
8288587828858718 ~1987
8288681497320878 ~1986
8288977497338638 ~1986
8289023165780478 ~1985
8289383165787678 ~1985
8289419165788398 ~1985
8289581497374878 ~1986
8289731165794638 ~1985
8290043165800878 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8290151165803038 ~1985
8290319165806398 ~1985
8290427663234178 ~1986
8290559165811198 ~1985
8290643165812878 ~1985
8290861497451678 ~1986
8290901497454078 ~1986
8291099165821998 ~1985
8291113497466798 ~1986
8291357497481438 ~1986
8291401497484078 ~1986
8291573497494398 ~1986
8291681497500878 ~1986
8291813497508798 ~1986
8292001497520078 ~1986
8292023165840478 ~1985
8292079829207918 ~1987
8292217497533038 ~1986
8292359165847198 ~1985
8292503165850078 ~1985
82926713482921839 ~1988
8292707663416578 ~1986
8292737497564238 ~1986
8292941497576478 ~1986
8293057497583438 ~1986
4.368.158 digits