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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8007011160140238 ~1985
80070471441268479 ~1987
8007071160141438 ~1985
8007091800709118 ~1987
8007491160149838 ~1985
8007557480453438 ~1986
8007673480460398 ~1986
8007733480463998 ~1986
8007821640625698 ~1986
8007851640628098 ~1986
8008211160164238 ~1985
8008373480502398 ~1986
80084531761859679 ~1987
8008523160170478 ~1985
8008597480515838 ~1986
8008877480532638 ~1986
80090092562882899 ~1988
8009219160184398 ~1985
80092914004645519 ~1988
8009293480557598 ~1986
8009759160195198 ~1985
8009893480593598 ~1986
8009999160199998 ~1985
8010011160200238 ~1985
8010113480606798 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8010239160204798 ~1985
8010251160205038 ~1985
8010263160205278 ~1985
8010481480628878 ~1986
8010839160216798 ~1985
8010853480651198 ~1986
80110071441981279 ~1987
8011261480675678 ~1986
8011319160226398 ~1985
8011937480716238 ~1986
80119672083111439 ~1988
8012003160240078 ~1985
8012519160250398 ~1985
8012791801279118 ~1987
8012801480768078 ~1986
8012959801295918 ~1987
80133293846397939 ~1988
8013521480811278 ~1986
8013623160272478 ~1985
8013757480825438 ~1986
8014033480841998 ~1986
8014141480848478 ~1986
8014343160286878 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8014679160293598 ~1985
8015303160306078 ~1985
8015531160310638 ~1985
8015543160310878 ~1985
8015591641247298 ~1986
8015659801565918 ~1987
8015719801571918 ~1987
8015723160314478 ~1985
8015783160315678 ~1985
8016191160323838 ~1985
8016479641318338 ~1986
8016611160332238 ~1985
8016661480999678 ~1986
8016779160335598 ~1985
8016923160338478 ~1985
80171175130954899 ~1989
8017439641395138 ~1986
8017571654233793710 ~1991
8017643160352878 ~1985
8017739160354798 ~1985
8017819801781918 ~1987
8017951801795118 ~1987
8017993481079598 ~1986
80180471282887539 ~1987
8018183160363678 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8018189641455138 ~1986
8018291160365838 ~1985
8018453481107198 ~1986
8018963160379278 ~1985
8019001481140078 ~1986
8019023160380478 ~1985
8019041481142478 ~1986
8019611160392238 ~1985
8019773481186398 ~1986
8020151160403038 ~1985
80205773849876979 ~1988
8020643160412878 ~1985
8020673481240398 ~1986
8020703160414078 ~1985
8020921481255278 ~1986
8020927802092718 ~1987
8020933481255998 ~1986
8021003160420078 ~1985
80210639144011839 ~1989
80211311443803599 ~1987
8021159160423198 ~1985
8021171160423438 ~1985
8021291160425838 ~1985
8021471641717698 ~1986
4.368.158 digits