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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
6671519133430398 ~1984
66718095871191939 ~1988
6671963133439278 ~1984
6672359533788738 ~1986
66724332001729919 ~1987
6672761533820898 ~1986
6672779533822338 ~1986
6672977400378638 ~1985
6673391133467838 ~1984
6673553400413198 ~1985
6673559533884738 ~1986
6673637533890978 ~1986
66737531067800499 ~1986
6674093400445598 ~1985
6674201533936098 ~1986
66742811067884979 ~1986
6674323480551256110 ~1991
6674413276320698310 ~1990
6674891133497838 ~1984
6674903133498078 ~1984
66751031068016499 ~1986
6675131133502638 ~1984
66751614138599839 ~1988
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
6675377400522638 ~1985
6675671133513438 ~1984
6675719133514398 ~1984
6676001400560078 ~1985
6676079133521598 ~1984
6676093400565598 ~1985
6676139133522798 ~1984
6676213400572798 ~1985
6676259133525198 ~1984
6676331133526638 ~1984
66764711068235379 ~1986
6676913400614798 ~1985
6676991133539838 ~1984
6677017400621038 ~1985
6677171534173698 ~1986
6677351534188098 ~1986
6677459133549198 ~1984
6677597534207778 ~1986
6677761400665678 ~1985
6677777534222178 ~1986
6677837534226978 ~1986
6677897400673838 ~1985
6677903133558078 ~1984
66782471202084479 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
66784612003538319 ~1987
6678491133569838 ~1984
6678641400718478 ~1985
6679067534325378 ~1986
6679199133583998 ~1984
6679237400754238 ~1985
6679271534341698 ~1986
6679273400756398 ~1985
6679391133587838 ~1984
6679481400768878 ~1985
6679919133598398 ~1984
6679979133599598 ~1984
6680111133602238 ~1984
6680123133602478 ~1984
6680489534439138 ~1986
6680543133610878 ~1984
66805511202499199 ~1987
6680561400833678 ~1985
6680939133618798 ~1984
66809411068950579 ~1986
6680987534478978 ~1986
6681023133620478 ~1984
6681041400862478 ~1985
6681203133624078 ~1984
6681481400888878 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
6681491133629838 ~1984
6681539133630798 ~1984
6681929534554338 ~1986
6682141400928478 ~1985
6682583133651678 ~1984
6682769534621538 ~1986
6682943133658878 ~1984
66831111202959999 ~1987
6683483133669678 ~1984
6683531133670638 ~1984
66835576282543599 ~1988
6683723133674478 ~1984
66837492673499619 ~1987
6684299133685998 ~1984
6684497534759778 ~1986
6684911133698238 ~1984
6684971133699438 ~1984
6685379133707598 ~1984
6685391133707838 ~1984
6685409534832738 ~1986
6685543668554318 ~1986
6685799133715998 ~1984
6685907534872578 ~1986
6686191668619118 ~1986
6686279133725598 ~1984
4.368.158 digits