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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
6614651132293038 ~1984
6614879132297598 ~1984
6615131132302638 ~1984
6615263132305278 ~1984
6615443132308878 ~1984
66154873175433779 ~1988
6615491132309838 ~1984
6615551132311038 ~1984
6615577396934638 ~1985
66156414101697439 ~1988
66156437541833039 ~1989
6615659132313198 ~1984
6615671132313438 ~1984
6615977396958638 ~1985
6616163132323278 ~1984
6616271132325438 ~1984
66164814763866339 ~1988
6616583132331678 ~1984
6616697397001838 ~1985
6616751132335038 ~1984
6616777397006638 ~1985
6617293397037598 ~1985
6617483132349678 ~1984
6617531132350638 ~1984
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
6617581397054878 ~1985
6617603132352078 ~1984
6617861397071678 ~1985
6618239132364798 ~1984
6618281397096878 ~1985
6618413397104798 ~1985
6618499661849918 ~1986
6619157397149438 ~1985
6619253926695438 ~1986
6619289529543138 ~1986
6619357397161438 ~1985
6619751132395038 ~1984
6620039132400798 ~1984
6620171132403438 ~1984
6620231132404638 ~1984
6620309529624738 ~1986
6620357397221438 ~1985
6620441529635298 ~1986
6620489529639138 ~1986
6620501397230078 ~1985
6620807529664578 ~1986
6621311132426238 ~1984
6621337397280238 ~1985
6621731132434638 ~1984
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
6621749529739938 ~1986
6621827529746178 ~1986
66219973046118639 ~1988
6622097927093598 ~1986
6622193927107038 ~1986
6622391132447838 ~1984
6622457397347438 ~1985
66224895827790339 ~1988
6622661397359678 ~1985
66227111192087999 ~1987
6622799132455998 ~1984
6622823132456478 ~1984
6623101397386078 ~1985
6623159132463198 ~1984
6623231132464638 ~1984
6623411529872898 ~1986
6624503132490078 ~1984
6624659132493198 ~1984
6624671132493438 ~1984
6624743132494878 ~1984
6624899132497998 ~1984
66252373047609039 ~1988
6625301530024098 ~1986
6625343132506878 ~1984
6625379530030338 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
6625481397528878 ~1985
6625511132510238 ~1984
6625823132516478 ~1984
66260777818770879 ~1989
6626267530101378 ~1986
6626351530108098 ~1986
6626423132528478 ~1984
66266039542308339 ~1989
6626621530129698 ~1986
6626723132534478 ~1984
6627001397620078 ~1985
6627083132541678 ~1984
6627119132542398 ~1984
6627191530175298 ~1986
6627359132547198 ~1984
6627497530199778 ~1986
6627503132550078 ~1984
6627581397654878 ~1985
6627851132557038 ~1984
6628103132562078 ~1984
6628201397692078 ~1985
6628253397695198 ~1985
6628313397698798 ~1985
6628373397702398 ~1985
4.368.158 digits